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Comments 1 - 5 of 5

BadFluffy's avatar


Feels like a movie that should have been more. It's certainly an interesting story, with good performances but in the end feels more like a movie by the numbers than anything else and it doesn't do justice to the momentous events it relates or to the amazing woman it portrays.
4 years 3 months ago
xianjiro's avatar


Like other posters, I enjoyed the film but felt there should have been something else, something more; but, alas, I can't say exactly what. Maybe it's just a yearning to see truth and justice prevail. Here. Now. For everyone. No movie can give us that. But imagine, channel, the hope that Harriet must have had to do the things she did. Such hope and strength is what the filmmakers have endeavored to provide. I appreciate their work.
4 years 2 months ago
sqcat's avatar


A "why should I believe you" challenge and a "we're gonna need a bigger . . ." in a movie about Harriet Tubman?
2 years 4 months ago
badblokebob's avatar


This is a tricky one. I enjoyed a lot of what I saw, but it does risk being a bit repetitive, and the “what happened next” cards contain a better idea for Act 3 than the film itself.
4 years 5 months ago
satisfythecrave's avatar


I felt a rich wave of spirituality throughout the film that was a pleasant surprise against the backdrop of the story.

I've also realized that I, as a more-mature filmgoer, am at a point where I can't stomach slave-centric stories. It's so painful to see actors channel pure fear. It hurts my soul. I'm glad this film brought me to that conclusion.
4 years 5 months ago
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