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Comments 16 - 28 of 28

IreneAdler's avatar


Entertaining story, some nice effects... had a nice time watching this.
10 years 9 months ago
danisanna's avatar


I’m a big Indiana Jones fan and I was so thrilled that there was a new (maybe last?) Indy film. It’s an adventure with clever quips, big stunts and great visuals. I was a bit worried about Shia Labeouf but he turned turned out not to be as annoying as I thought ;)

If you’re an Indy fan, this movie is a must!

Only downside to watching an Indiana Jones movie is that for the rest of the day you’re humming that goddamn catchy theme tune … parapapa parapaaaaa!

Nice little hommage to Sean Connery too.
10 years 9 months ago
inhonoredglory's avatar


An enjoyable little adventure, nothing especially outstanding. The aliens were a bit out there, but there was interesting Biblical allusions in the end -- the pursuit of knowledge and its subsequent distractive effects, tied in to Indy's son's dislike of school. I'm sure no one takes note of that angle of the film, and just as well. As a plain adventure, it exciting and fun.
12 years 9 months ago
satsubatsu347's avatar


Proof that gussying up a film with tonnes of CG does not fix flaws in scripts or shoddy acting... Looking at you LeBeuf.
14 years ago
baraka92's avatar


Third best of the series.
14 years 6 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Too much CGI and a flawed story makes this a lesser Indiana Jones movie that is still very entertaining and fun.
4 years 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


One of the worst things I've been subjected to in recent years. Indy 4 is what no Indiana Jones movie ever should be - it's BORING. It is aggressively trying not to be an Indiana Jones picture. George Lucas' intent is spelled out in the "Return of a Legend" featurette on the DVD - seeing as Indy in the 30s was in a genre of that era - the pulp serial - then an older Indy in the 50s should be in a genre of THAT era, i.e. the science fiction B-movie. As with the Star Wars prequels, Lucas shows a complete misunderstanding of what made the first films interesting and popular. Just wrong-headed and awful on every front, with a tired-looking Harrison Ford playing second fiddle to rebel without a cause Shia LeBoeuf in a variety of dull action pieces not the least bit grounded in reality. Look, if Indy can survive an atomic blast and Shia can be Tarzan and swing with the monkeys, then literally anything can happen and I'm not gonna feel any kind of tension.
9 years 3 months ago
St. Gloede's avatar

St. Gloede

Pretty good film sequel. Not the smartest film I've seen, and a few things really bugged me, but I don't get the hate. The first films were basically just as silly and illogical. To be honest I might actually prefer this to to The Last Crusade.
14 years 9 months ago
corchap's avatar


I agree with mathiasa, I've aged and matured- but its a bit of a shame that it seems like the Indiana Jones franchise hasn't matured over the 19 year hiatus.
6 years 6 months ago
Esso's avatar


It was alright,except the magnetic force of the skull was stupid. It wasn't consequent and pulled objects from incredible distances, but regular human beings could easily pull things off it.
13 years 3 months ago
mathiasa's avatar


to all those geniuses, claiming aliens are 'not realistic enough' for an indiana jones movie. fyi: in 'raiders of the lost ark' seraphims come out of the ark, in the 'temple of doom' there's a guy breathing after his heart was torn out, and in 'the last crusade' we see a fucking knight templar guarding the holy grail.

Did it ever occur to you, that maybe it was you who changed and not the style of the movies? Back then, you were prob kids, enjoying a nice adventure movie, rather than the onoxious little pricks you later became.
10 years 10 months ago
Alias's avatar


Not great, but not nearly as awful as many people make it out to be. It's simply an allright movie.
13 years 9 months ago
cyphax's avatar


Indiana Jones equals adventure and this movie didn't fall short in that. Not the most intelligent film, but none of the Indiana Jones' are, and if it's okay for them, it should be okay for Crystal Skull. I really enjoyed watching this movie in the theatre, which is where it works best.
13 years 8 months ago

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