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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)'s comments
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Comments 1 - 15 of 28
Dull. Plenty of recycled content. Bad accents from certain people! I fell asleep at least twice. Woke up towards the end of the alien reveal, which confirmed my early suspicions of this being trash. Been putting off watching this for 13 years, should have stuck to my guns.Earring72
Too much CGI and a flawed story makes this a lesser Indiana Jones movie that is still very entertaining and fun.corchap
I agree with mathiasa, I've aged and matured- but its a bit of a shame that it seems like the Indiana Jones franchise hasn't matured over the 19 year hiatus.DisneyStitch
To be brutally honest, I'm one of those guys who still refers to it as the Indiana Jones trilogy while gleefully pretending that this one doesn't exist. The sense of adventure and exploration isn't as present in this installment compared to the other three. The fact that it takes place in 1957 lends a contemporary feel to it that just doesn't seem to fit in with the traditional archeologist arc type. Seemingly like it feels that all the pieces of the world map have been filled in and Indy is a part of a bygone past. Wasn't a fan of the aliens or "inter-dimensional beings" as George Lucas is so quick to interject when dealing with naysayers. Not because they were aliens, but because it lent a hardcore Sci-Fi sense to the film which took it out of the Indy mythos for me. Blanchett was a paint by numbers villain with an accent that constantly shattered my suspension of belief.All in all, I think it's pretty disappointing. Naturally it doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy and even Spielberg knows it. He's very quick to make sure he doesn't speak ill of his friend George Lucas but if you scour the endless interviews you can tell he really hated the aliens.
One of the worst things I've been subjected to in recent years. Indy 4 is what no Indiana Jones movie ever should be - it's BORING. It is aggressively trying not to be an Indiana Jones picture. George Lucas' intent is spelled out in the "Return of a Legend" featurette on the DVD - seeing as Indy in the 30s was in a genre of that era - the pulp serial - then an older Indy in the 50s should be in a genre of THAT era, i.e. the science fiction B-movie. As with the Star Wars prequels, Lucas shows a complete misunderstanding of what made the first films interesting and popular. Just wrong-headed and awful on every front, with a tired-looking Harrison Ford playing second fiddle to rebel without a cause Shia LeBoeuf in a variety of dull action pieces not the least bit grounded in reality. Look, if Indy can survive an atomic blast and Shia can be Tarzan and swing with the monkeys, then literally anything can happen and I'm not gonna feel any kind of tension.bulmer
Watching this with the RiffTrax from the MST3K guys makes this movie a lot more bearable.MrDoog
An absolute embarrassmentGentle Star
If you take into consideration the amount of talent, time and money that went into this project, then Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is possibly the worst movie of all time.IreneAdler
Entertaining story, some nice effects... had a nice time watching this.danisanna
I’m a big Indiana Jones fan and I was so thrilled that there was a new (maybe last?) Indy film. It’s an adventure with clever quips, big stunts and great visuals. I was a bit worried about Shia Labeouf but he turned turned out not to be as annoying as I thought ;)If you’re an Indy fan, this movie is a must!
Only downside to watching an Indiana Jones movie is that for the rest of the day you’re humming that goddamn catchy theme tune … parapapa parapaaaaa!
Nice little hommage to Sean Connery too.
to all those geniuses, claiming aliens are 'not realistic enough' for an indiana jones movie. fyi: in 'raiders of the lost ark' seraphims come out of the ark, in the 'temple of doom' there's a guy breathing after his heart was torn out, and in 'the last crusade' we see a fucking knight templar guarding the holy grail.Did it ever occur to you, that maybe it was you who changed and not the style of the movies? Back then, you were prob kids, enjoying a nice adventure movie, rather than the onoxious little pricks you later became.
Didn't have as much logic flaws as the third one, but wasn't as enjoyable either. Pretty good though.meysam_a
good for children, it reminds me of power rangers... lol...Skyscore
Decent parody. I like the actor they found to do the Indiana Jones impression.Showing items 1 – 15 of 28