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  1. 2
    Zanzibar Film Festival - Golden Dhow's icon

    Zanzibar Film Festival - Golden Dhow

    Ranking #2
  2. 7
    Available online with English subtitles: Pakistan's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Pakistan

    Ranking #7
  3. 188
    Christopher Lee Filmography's icon

    Christopher Lee Filmography

    Ranking #188
  4. 380
    Indicator Blu-Ray Releases's icon

    Indicator Blu-Ray Releases

    Ranking #380
  5. 429
    IMDb Top 1000 (Alternative version: Min. vote 1000)'s icon

    IMDb Top 1000 (Alternative version: Min. vote 1000)

    Ranking #429
  6. 450
    LIST_05's icon


    Ranking #450
  7. 573
    All war movies ever made (1976-present)'s icon

    All war movies ever made (1976-present)

    Ranking #573
  8. 1697
    IMDb Top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (Part II)'s icon

    IMDb Top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (Part II)

    Ranking #1697
  9. 2339
    Non-English films's icon

    Non-English films

    Ranking #2339
  10. 2902
    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)

    Ranking #2902
  11. 4314
    Owned Not Seen's icon

    Owned Not Seen

    Ranking #4314
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