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Pristine's avatar


For a Finnish movie, this was quite funny. Doesn't really do justice to the book though, but if you're not Finnish, you might not get all the subtleties and cultural references which are implied in the book. Although it's a fairly good read anyway, if you can find a translation, at least that's what my Danish and Swedish friends told me so I'm gonna trust them to judge the adaptation.

There's nothing much I can say about the film without spoiling it. There's the protagonist, being drunk most of the time and getting himself into situations. The style of the film is very Finnish in that it uses a lot of scenes without any specific dialogue and relies a lot on the facial expressions of the actors and sounds. There will be a lot of grunting and shouting and other action.

If you need a crash course into Finnish drinking culture or like these sort of films which are over-the-top slapstick humor with a melancholy dramatic vibe, then this might be a film for you.

Or if you're Danish or Norwegian. Apparently we share a lot with you guys when it comes to boozing, so you might not even need the subtitles.
11 years 4 months ago
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