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Comments 1 - 15 of 20

jeroeno's avatar


My least favorite movie starring Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore and bowling balls.
6 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Kingsman The Golden Circle takes two possible sequel tracks - it simultaneously blows the world up, and adds to it by creating an American "independent security service" called the Statesmen. Like the first film, it's a hoot, though it lacks the tonal surprise of the original because now we know what to expect. (If you haven't seen the original, then maybe the shock is there, but you might feel a little lost.) As with the first one, the action is insane, the agents can do incredible tricks, the villain is loopy, and the humor irreverent. Of all the new characters introduced, only Halle Berry grates on the nerves - her arc is a useless bit of plot - while Elton John has a surprisingly funny role as himself. While I will admit the movie suffers from playing out bits too close to the original's and is bloated at 2h21min, it's still an amusing trifle, and I for one would watch more Kingsman adventures.
6 years 6 months ago
RobAbscando's avatar


The film follows the formula of the its predecessor very closely at times, but it lampshades the similarities in a knowing way. There were are a few points where the plot and characters get muddled, but overall its a pretty solid action send off to bond movies and a pretty funny one at that.
6 years 6 months ago
Gabor.'s avatar


What a mess
6 years 6 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


You know what you're getting with this sequel. It's fun but not as good as the first.
6 years 6 months ago
bathkuyp's avatar


Like spending two hours in a room full of screaming toddlers...
6 years 4 months ago
Rabidcolombian's avatar


Good movie but just a heads up - Elton John was in this movie longer than Channing Tatum...maybe he had more important things to do?
6 years 6 months ago
Mighty183's avatar


Watch it on a Wednesday for one extra laugh. Full of great action sequences but not quite as tight as the first one. Still, prefer the ridiculousness of this movie to a grounded realistic action movie.
2 years 9 months ago
252's avatar


I came for the choreography and creative killing scenes and wasn't disappointed.

Note: spoiler
6 years 4 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Pale imitation of the first, with far too many characters and subplots. The worst movie so far of either Vaughn or Goldman. Still not terrible though; there’s enough inventiveness that it holds attention and there’s some good action when the CGI gets reigned in.
6 years 6 months ago
badblokebob's avatar


It's kind of ironic that the type of people who tend to object to the first film's anal joke and, by extension, this whole movie, seem to have a massive stick up their collective arse.
6 years 7 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Mwah. Has its moment but forgettable
1 year 5 months ago
danisanna's avatar


It's fun, funny and full of action. Also, Colin Firth. I liked it.
4 years 6 months ago
FireFox1's avatar


Forgettable and boring. And why the hell was Channing Tatum necessary for.
6 years 6 months ago
Emiam's avatar



Almost as good as part 1. *LOL*
6 years 1 month ago

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