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Sojourner's avatar


Her emotions, her tears, they look so natural. The emotions i observe in real life after i watched this movie look so made-up.
11 years 3 months ago
RicardoBlanco's avatar


Did someone get the last scene?
10 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


In Poland, a choir girl (Irène Jacob) makes her dream of becoming an opera singer come true, but there's a price to be paid. In France, a music teacher (also Irène Jacob) is intuitively influenced by her double's life and undertakes a just-as-unexplainable relationship with a handsome puppeteer. Krzysztof Kieslowski's The Double Life of Véronique is yet another film I've watched this week that makes more poetic sense than actual sense. I love my DVD shelf. This could easily be part of Kieslowski's later Three Colors trilogy, casting the film in gold, and acts as a particular mirror to Red, also starring Irène Jacob (perhaps Valentine is a third Véronique?). As with Red, the film is full of visual rhyming, reflections, doubles, recurring and intertwining images, all of which gives credence to the thoery that it is in some ways about filmmaking itself. Different but similar characters played by the same actress, perhaps versions of the same character who diverged on the scriptwriter's page, one of which becomes aware of a force manipulating or using her story. Is she a puppet, or a muse? How can she tell after she's lost her connection to her other self? A gorgeous-looking film, and one that may give up different interpretations on each subsequent viewing. Lovely if not flawless (the interrupted divorce court subplot may frustrate).
8 years 8 months ago
stevekimes's avatar


One of the most amazing films ever made. It is much in the style of the Three Colors Trilogy, but it has more emotion, more drama and more to try to understand. One of my most powerful cinematic experiences ever.
13 years 6 months ago
Atreides's avatar


@ Arthur,

Indeed she is amazing. What a natural beauty with such grace.
11 years 11 months ago
taarene's avatar


of course. Irene Jacobs is the most beautiful woman in the world along with Liv Ullmann.
12 years 7 months ago
Emiam's avatar


A modern classic by Kieslowski celebrated in Cannes when it came '91!
I Saw it with Lidingö FilmStudio on Monday 17 Feb 2020. Interesting story, decent length, great music, but it only gets 3 + / 5 of me - despite the average 7.8 / 10 on IMDb. Many questions remain (left open) as the film ends and Kieslowski made seven different endings to see which one fit best - he mixed an ending that was a mix of the seven recordings. The first half of the film is set in a Poland on the path from socialism to capitalism, and the second half in a capitalist France. Jacob plays the two mysteriously interconnected women in each country with many similarities besides the appearance, including the song, the music and ... a heart failure.
4 years 2 months ago
MrE2Me's avatar


As ambiguous, enigmatic, and open to interpretation as this film may be, there is one thing of which I am certain - the world can never have too many Irène Jacobs in it. ♥
2 years ago
Natalee's avatar


Beautiful movie !
It's the kind of story you could read in a Haruki Murakami book. Something very mysterious is happening but the movie doesn't try to explain anything, nor am I trying to find an explanation, because it's not about that. It's about how the main character feels and reacts to it all.
I want to watch more movies like this one.
3 years 3 months ago
Cuadie's avatar


Arthur: totally
12 years 1 month ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


Véronique, or the story of the elastic string theory by the two Krzysztof.

Read more in French on La Saveur des goûts amers.
7 years ago
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