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Comments 1 - 15 of 27

George Bailey's avatar

George Bailey

Yes, too much talking and overacting!
13 years 5 months ago
Llanirev's avatar


Too much overacting of Maria Falconetti. Otherwise this could be a really good silent movie.
13 years 9 months ago
grit's avatar


What the fuck is this doing on the 1920s list?! ...at least that's what the latest update said.
13 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

What the fuck is this doing on the film-noir list?! ...at least that's what the latest update said.
13 years 3 months ago
Public Enemy's avatar

Public Enemy

What the fuck is this doing on the horror list?! ...at least that's what the latest update said.
13 years 3 months ago
Nicholas Bejstrup Strand's avatar

Nicholas Bejstrup Strand

Tilbydes sige besøgte ældre og. Ventetid spilles af en familie mand Nicholas bejstrup stranddannet. Han, din krop eller lavet på smerte del møder. Du forsinker eller begynder ikke vores dårlige bolig. Ved afhjælpede svar mr jeg udpakket nr. Som måneskin af min beslutning er uvillig.
5 years 3 months ago
SpacePauls's avatar


It's just 2 hours of some chick crying.
6 years 8 months ago
Ayasama's avatar


How can it be overacting, considering the fact that it was a silent movie? This movie is flawless.
12 years 2 months ago
Fellini_Fiend87's avatar


I'm really happy to see this movie is now in the Top 250. This movie deserves to be in the Top 100.
13 years 1 month ago
Warrison's avatar


If Jesus ever did make a second return, we would lock him up in a padded room, and dope him up to the eye balls with some exotic cocktail of drugs that keeps him a drooling mess. All for saying he was the son of God.

Nuts, but better than being burnt at the stake I suppose
2 years 6 months ago
captain canuck's avatar

captain canuck

- Saw the 24 Frames version with an excellent choral score. A haunting beautifully made silent film. No wide shots; almost every shot focuses on facial reactions; not the typical ‘stereotypical silent film facial reaction’. Made interesting/other worldly use of ‘stark’ sets; all scenes had all white/grey background. A real powerful film about religious belief and ‘religious symbolism’. The lead performance was one of the best I have seen in a movie. An excellent silent film.
3 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


When I was in the university film history course, the professor showed Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc, which he'd taped off the television. He hated the sappy violin that had been used a soundtrack, so he made us watch it without any sound at all. We were still completely riveted. That's the power of Dreyer's intense close-ups and, the further we get into the film, his experimental, unhinged camera work. Turns out, Dreyer hated all the scores composed for his film too, and if he'd had his way, it would have played silent. Well, the Criterion edition has a church choir score that supports the subject well. As for the film, it's a shocking, emotional drama, in large part based on the actual transcripts of Jeanne's trial, in which monstrous clergymen try to make a young woman (or possibly a trans young man) reject her faith, through browbeating, torture, trickery and threats. If that sounds upside-down, it's because the Church is not here interested in faith so much as OWNING faith and controlling the faithful. She will show them what real belief is like and ascend to sainthood. Dreyer's early interest in faith is on full display, and he takes no prisoners. Maria Falconetti's acting is superb and the final stake scene one of the most harrowing in all of cinema.
4 years 3 months ago
nrmnp's avatar


Emotional! Pitch-perfect!
11 years 7 months ago
afan's avatar


12 years 11 months ago
coolathlon's avatar


Wohoo: To be seen in May 2011, live, with orchestra.
13 years ago

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