Order by:
  1. 2
    The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies's icon

    The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies

    Ranking #2
  2. 3
    Claude Beylie's Les Films-Clés du Cinéma's icon

    Claude Beylie's Les Films-Clés du Cinéma

    Ranking #3
  3. 18
    Cinecouch's Top 1000 Short Films's icon

    Cinecouch's Top 1000 Short Films

    Ranking #18
  4. 34
    San Francisco State University's Recomended Films (M.A. Cinema Studies)'s icon

    San Francisco State University's Recomended Films (M.A. Cinema Studies)

    Ranking #34
  5. 49
    Toronto Inter'l Film Festival's The Essential 100's icon

    Toronto Inter'l Film Festival's The Essential 100

    Ranking #49
  6. 57
    International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List's icon

    International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List

    Ranking #57
  7. 85
    Village Voice Critics' Poll: 100 Best Films of the 20th Century's icon

    Village Voice Critics' Poll: 100 Best Films of the 20th Century

    Ranking #85
  8. 128
    Chicago Tribune's 100 Best Films of the Century's icon

    Chicago Tribune's 100 Best Films of the Century

    Ranking #128
  9. 140
    CultClassic Catalogue's icon

    CultClassic Catalogue

    Ranking #140
  10. 149
    The Director's Vision: A Concise Guide to the Art of 250 Great Filmmakers's icon

    The Director's Vision: A Concise Guide to the Art of 250 Great Filmmakers

    Ranking #149
  11. 149
    Making Off's Consensus's icon

    Making Off's Consensus

    Ranking #149
  12. 202
    David Bordwell's On the History of Film Style's icon

    David Bordwell's On the History of Film Style

    Ranking #202
  13. 306
    Laurent Jullier's Lire Les Images de Cinema's icon

    Laurent Jullier's Lire Les Images de Cinema

    Ranking #306
  14. 348
    MUBI's The Best Movies Ever's icon

    MUBI's The Best Movies Ever

    Ranking #348
  15. 608
    The Pendragon Society’s 1000 Greatest Films of All-Time 2019's icon

    The Pendragon Society’s 1000 Greatest Films of All-Time 2019

    Ranking #608
  16. 708
    The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers's icon

    The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers

    Ranking #708
  17. 920
    Kino International's icon

    Kino International

    Ranking #920
  18. 1043
    James Monaco's How to Read a Film's icon

    James Monaco's How to Read a Film

    Ranking #1043
  19. 1066
    Robert Sklar's Film: An International History's icon

    Robert Sklar's Film: An International History

    Ranking #1066
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.