Order by:
  1. 267
    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films's icon

    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films

    Ranking #267
  2. 86
    BFI Flare's The Best LGBTQ+ Films of All Time's icon

    BFI Flare's The Best LGBTQ+ Films of All Time

    Ranking #86
  3. 11
    Danny Peary's Cult Horror Movies (2014)'s icon

    Danny Peary's Cult Horror Movies (2014)

    Ranking #11
  4. 117
    Danny Peary's Cult Movies's icon

    Danny Peary's Cult Movies

    Ranking #117
  5. 369
    Fantastic Cinema (Peter Nicholls)  700 fantasy/horror/sci-fi films's icon

    Fantastic Cinema (Peter Nicholls) 700 fantasy/horror/sci-fi films

    Ranking #369
  6. 354
    Guide for the Film Fanatic's icon

    Guide for the Film Fanatic

    Ranking #354
  7. 355
    Guide For The Film Fanatic (Complete)'s icon

    Guide For The Film Fanatic (Complete)

    Ranking #355
  8. 150
    Horror Film: A Critical Introduction's icon

    Horror Film: A Critical Introduction

    Ranking #150
  9. 84
    Horror Movie A Day by Brian W. Collins's icon

    Horror Movie A Day by Brian W. Collins

    Ranking #84
  10. 118
    Horror! 333 Films to Scare You to Death's icon

    Horror! 333 Films to Scare You to Death

    Ranking #118
  11. 310
    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies's icon

    Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies

    Ranking #310
  12. 22
    One hundred and eleven cult films by Alexander Pavlov's icon

    One hundred and eleven cult films by Alexander Pavlov

    Ranking #22
  13. 2595
    Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)'s icon

    Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)

    Ranking #2595
  14. 218
    Terror on Tape - A Complete Guide to Over 2,000 Horror Movies on Video (1994)'s icon

    Terror on Tape - A Complete Guide to Over 2,000 Horror Movies on Video (1994)

    Ranking #218
  15. 20
    The Criterion Channel's Queersighted Series's icon

    The Criterion Channel's Queersighted Series

    Ranking #20
  16. 241
    The Horror Show Guide: The Ultimate Frightfest of Movies's icon

    The Horror Show Guide: The Ultimate Frightfest of Movies

    Ranking #241
  17. 580
    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life's icon

    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life

    Ranking #580
  18. 111
    Time Out's best horror films's icon

    Time Out's best horror films

    Ranking #111
  19. 552
    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)'s icon

    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)

    Ranking #552
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.