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TomServo's avatar


I can't say I absolutely loved it, but it is quite something. A really eye-opening examination of ego and the destruction it brings upon everything and everyone. But because of this, it can be a deeply misanthropic film, so you have to be in the right mood for it. Still, there are a lot of great parts in it, and some of the best scenes seem like they could be taken right out of a Cassavetes film.
8 years 9 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Listen Up Philip an indie drama about a quartet of characters connected through Jason Schwartzman's Philip, a young author whose sudden success alienates him from his girlfriend (Elisabeth Moss), and brings him closer to his idol (Jonathan Pryce), whose relationship with his daughter (Krysten Ritter) is strained. Writer-director Alex Ross Perry gives us a character study in the "New York" style (Woody Allen is an obvious touchstone, though Perry's novelistic inspiration, Philip Roth, is evident even in the DVD cover design which emulates certain editions of Roth's books I have on my shelf). Schwartzman's stony intellectualism seems right for this bitter egotist, keeping everyone at arm's length but his warmer, but just as intellectually cold, mentor. Moss is a complete contrast, giving a true and emotional performance that makes you wish the movie were more about her. The structure, playing out as character-driven chapters, does allow it to be, for a time, and the inclusion of a third person omniscient narrator is also a nice touch. I respect this kind of film making a great deal, letting actors do their thing and letting ambiguity reign. This is, in fact, what other movies would consider a first act, and only the narrator really allows us to skip ahead to see what else might await these characters.
6 years 3 months ago
palefire's avatar


I found this movie an eye opener- for as disdainful as the Philip character is- I realized I share part of his mean and pretentious personality. It's the kind of personality that prevails on the internet- that sense of entitlement and rage when things don't go your way. This is a movie for all the keyboard warriors and pretentious grammar police to see how feeble a position they hold.
9 years ago
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