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22 min.
Drama, Comedy
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16.0% (1:6)
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  1. Speechbubbles's avatar


    Louie is hilarious, but it's more than just a comedy. This show is actually surprisingly heavy; sometimes I'm left feeling pretty stunned and what I've witnessed, and I ALWAYS have something to think about after. The greatest thing about it? It's all done through comedy. You can laugh through the misery.

    If anyone gets that pain can be funny, it's Louis CK.
    12 years 10 months ago
  2. essaywhu's avatar


    After thinking about it for a while, this is my favorite show of all time. I love it so much! 9 years 9 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    Season 1: With Louie, Louis C.K. attempts to translate his stand-up experience into a half-our comedy, and succeeds more subtly than one might think. A lot of it is in the editing - there might be repetitions; and like his routines, a story about one thing becomes a digression on something else entirely; a lot of the material is autobiographical, but also improvised; and from time to time, there's even a crazy flight of fancy that, surely, doesn't happen literally. It's also the comedy of the pathetic, and several of the episodes felt more poignant than funny. But that tug between funny and sad is definitely what gives the show its identity. The first season starts out strong, but gets a little uneven in the back half, but there's still enough there for me to watch more.

    Season 2: Louis C.K.'s unglamorous take on the stand-up comic sitcom continues to intrigue with Louie Season 2, and I want to coin the term "observational drama" to describe it (if no one's thought of it already), because while there's comedy in the stand-ups, the way episodes play out, usually in paired vignettes, they evoke sadness more than laughs. And I'm perfectly fine with that, because they ARE so well observed. What's funny is that you recognize the stories as being truthful - even when they are flights of fancy - and recognize yourself or your world in them. It takes guts, I think, to put this kind of thing on television. The show's secret MVP is C.K.'s friend Pamela Adlon, who started contributing script material this season and is one heck of a character. I hope we haven't seen the last of her.
    6 years 8 months ago
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