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DisneyStitch's avatar


If you are a fan of 60's culture or even classic movies from Hollywood's golden age then you will be richly rewarded by the plethora of Easter eggs and flavor of the film. Well acted by DiCaprio and Pitt who make a great cinematic duo. The classic Tarantino penchant for making you off balance by way of not knowing where the plot is headed is used to full effect and works very well. I always feel I'm in good hands with Tarantino and no matter where the movie is going I know it's leading somewhere good.

You can tell Quentin was having a ball with filming a movie within a movie which allowed him to go full tilt with his own brand of artistic direction and screwing around with the viewer's own suspension of belief i.e. we get to see Leo brilliantly playing a struggling actor and then transform into something almost alien at the drop of a hat when his character himself gets to act. It's a surreal experience and so powerful.

I really love how effortlessly 60's it feels. Capturing that vibe is something a lot of films struggle with and tend to overcompensate with just going all out with references, period costuming, and vintage cars but Quentin has done his homework and great care was taken. I had a ball watching it and despite the runtime I think I almost wanted even more.
10 months 3 weeks ago
Bolero Tenebris's avatar

Bolero Tenebris

Well, well, well... that was something. Yes, it could be tighter and more focused, but fortunately we have some wonderful editing PC programs, therefore some parts can easily be removed - at least 20 to 30 minutes overall.
This is QT's third best, after Jackie Brown and oddly underestimated Death Proof.
Oh: ''controversial'' statement... but not really.
Pulp Fiction is not 'so' good - i can see why it's such a beloved film, but come on.
Reservoir Dogs is certainly great for debut, but i feel it's a little bit overestimated as well.
Kill Bill 1&2... still not sure what to think of them. I will just say that i like some aspects of them.

Back to OUaTiH - it's refreshing after weak/disappointing Basterds and Django. Why so many twats have the problem with Bruce Lee scene? Because it's easily one of the most interesting (and best) scenes in the film. Oh he is presented as a cocky guy who was beaten like a bitch... oh... poor fanboys, cwy some mowe. This is not supposed to be a documentary anyway.
I like Bruce Lee but let's not rise him so much to high heavens. Perhaps you fanboys just need to re-watch Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, because OUaTiH is not for you.
Really fantastic role for Brad Pitt. And Leo Di Caprio is really interesting here.
I was actually somewhat impressed with Hateful Eight (Jennifer Jason Leigh = an unsung legend),
but OUaTiH still beats it.

So... would i call QT a great filmmaker? Not sure. Probably not, because i see him more as an extremely passionate film-lover. But then again he is a master and a true gift to cinema compared to many hacks like that autistic Nicolas Winding Refn, for example.
1 year 10 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Wow this was boring.
2 years 4 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


If you watched this and didn't know it was by Tarantino you'd say it was a bad movie.

But Tarantino directs and critics are falling over themselves to say it's amazing.
3 years ago
Emiam's avatar


6 + / 10
A little disappointed in general, surprising and really fast-paced climax! NOT one of Tarantino's best.
3 years 2 months ago
palefire's avatar


If you're on this site, you've watched a lot of movies. Tarantino has created a movie for us. One that is so playful in bringing together elements from many of the great films of that Clint Eastwood/Sergio Leone generation. If you've seen enough films, you'll find the references so on point, or so subverted spoilerthat it is wonderfully funny and each scene a complete surprise. A must watch for the icheckmovies crowd.
3 years 11 months ago
Falkhorn's avatar


Tarantino keeps on doing movies just as an excuse to masturbate to feet. I wager a lot of female actors will out him as a feet rapist when he's an old bastard.
4 years 1 month ago
millena's avatar


tarantino gives us a good positive amazing and imaginary roman polanski in the movie. which is really bad because we all know who is polanski. "the best director maybe in the world!!!" hello??? god he had sex with a 13 years old, does it even means something? stop given compliments and making a good image of people like him.
4 years 2 months ago
satisfythecrave's avatar


I know every one of my friends will roll their eyes at what I'm about to say but I really loved my experience watching this film, on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

I was so struck by the mapping of the world -- how it's shaped linearly through mostly dialogue/some images and visually through wide, high shots that meander. The framing and use of shots create a map, a grid, of Hollywood at this exact moment without attracting too much attention to itself. Simultaneously, the characters are always connected to the media that has influenced/inspired them. They are either referencing older media (like Rick's old filmography) that impacts them, watching/listening to current media that is of the moment or speaking about wanting to be a part of the media that shapes the future. It's also interesting that Sharon is only seen listening to modern music - I felt that was Tarantino's way of reminding us that the real Sharon Tate's life only lasted until 1969 - she never had a future, so she's only seen embracing the moment.

Does the film have too many callbacks to Tarantino's prior work? Eh, not a bother for me. spoiler Overall, I felt the message of this film was "if you're in Hollywood, you're protected by Hollywood" which is total fairytale fodder outside of the 'normal' world.
4 years 3 months ago
MemphisRyder's avatar


This is easily Tarantino's most boring film ever. And for a director known for his exciting styles that push the limits of what cinematography can do, this so-called "tribute" to Hollywood is a pathetic attempt at nostalgia.

Oh, and as a Chinese, go fuck yourself with that Bruce Lee scene.

Seriously though, there could have been so many ways to pay tribute to the glory of Golden Age Hollywood and the tragic circumstances that ultimately led to America becoming more cynical in the '70s. As a director known for loving cinema, there couldn't have been a better person to pay such a tribute, to really show how those washed out actors adapted to the changing times of cinema. What about having Cliff drop some subtle hints about his thoughts on Vietnam? Instead, we've got almost 3 hours of people driving around and moping about their dreary lives. Maybe save some of that Desperate Housewives drama for the telly, huh, 'tino?

Also, for those who said that only those who live in LA would understand and appreciate this film, good for you. I'm sure Reservoir Dogs could only be appreciated by the mafia, or Kill Bill could only be appreciated by betrayed ex-wives, or how Django Unchained could only be appreciated by black people.

Oh right, they're not.
4 years 3 months ago
Michael12's avatar


I will say this movie benefits from a second viewing. I saw Hollywood upon its initial release in theaters, and while I enjoyed it, after watching it a second time, I can say I love this movie. Brad Pitt steals the show, and he without a doubt deserves the best supporting actor Oscar. DiCaprio is flawless per usual. For those criticizing the film saying the it has no point, I disagree, the movie is unconventional in that its almost 2/3 set up, and its worth it, because the ending delivers big time. Also I love how the film is a love letter to 60s Hollywood, the references to other films/tv shows, the clothes, the cars, the cameos of 60s stars. The attention to detail is insane, I mean just listening to the radio ads playing while characters drove around Hollywood was fun. I could’ve honestly spent four hours in this world.
4 years 4 months ago
dulaman's avatar


there's an easter egg at the credits
4 years 5 months ago
Panunzio's avatar


Hollywood is dead. Long live Hollywood.
4 years 7 months ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


...and they lived hippie ever after and we never had to separate the art from the artist.

Read more in French on La Saveur des goûts amers.
4 years 8 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Great looking, well acted love letter to the late 60ies Hollywood and tv world. Really enjoyed it. Final 30 minutes are full blown TT.

Not for everyone though. If you don't know the era or the references or know the back story of Sharon Tate, it will be a long 2,5 hours.
4 years 8 months ago

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