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Siskoid's avatar


Six Degrees of Separation has the kind of heightened language that immediately reveals its origins as a play, but the maverick editing makes one wonder what it actually looked like on stage, or if playwright John Guare was trying something new. The story, told at different points at various high society events, concerns a rich couple hoodwinked into briefly taking in an erudite young man who claims to be a friend of their own kids, but as it turns out, is a con man. Will Smith plays the latter and is sadly less than convincing saying the dialogue (even if he IS supposed to be a fake), especially compared to Donald Sutherland and Stockard Channing. This is nevertheless a grift that doesn't go where you think it will, and that has something to say about the con we casually perpetrate on our own lives. Oh, and not to distract from what is a smart and engaging film, but young, acting J.J. Abrams as a whiny college kid alert!
6 years 3 months ago
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