Order by:
  1. 78
    1930s's icon


    Ranking #78
  2. 8
    CineMassacre's Monster Madness's icon

    CineMassacre's Monster Madness

    Ranking #8
  3. 191
    CriterionForum Lists Project - 1930s (Version 3.0)'s icon

    CriterionForum Lists Project - 1930s (Version 3.0)

    Ranking #191
  4. 323
    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined's icon

    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined

    Ranking #323
  5. 2
    ICM Forum Sci-Fi / Fantasy Official Challenge 2024's icon

    ICM Forum Sci-Fi / Fantasy Official Challenge 2024

    Ranking #2
  6. 428
    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List's icon

    ICM Forum's Favorite Sequels Complete List

    Ranking #428
  7. 502
    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations

    Ranking #502
  8. 49
    James Rolfe's top 50 (or 56) favorite films's icon

    James Rolfe's top 50 (or 56) favorite films

    Ranking #49
  9. 1463
    List of Science Fiction Films's icon

    List of Science Fiction Films

    Ranking #1463
  10. 231
    The Flop House Podcast Recommends's icon

    The Flop House Podcast Recommends

    Ranking #231
  11. 473
    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They's icon

    They Shoot Aliens, Don't They

    Ranking #473
  12. 212
    Top 500 Horror Movies's icon

    Top 500 Horror Movies

    Ranking #212
  13. 183
    TSZDT's The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films's icon

    TSZDT's The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films

    Ranking #183
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.