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127 min.
Matthew Vaughn
Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Family
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7.0% (1:14)
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  1. CarcamanoFerreto's avatar


    It would be a remarkable movie if it held some features of Neil Gaiman's book. I understand that adapting a work to the cinema requires cutting and rewriting many elements and scenes, however in this one, most things that are inventively fantastic from the original book are not even mentioned, making it a weak, unexciting picture, with soulless characters from a poor script.
    Lame adaptation from an interesting novel.
    9 years 8 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    While Stardust: The Movie retains much of the world-building of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' illustrated novel, in the final analysis, I think Matthew Vaughn was the wrong adapter/director for it. It's really the attempts at comedy that do me in. Sometimes they work, as with the ghosts of the murdered brothers acting as a chorus with no skin in the game, but otherwise, it's booby jokes, Ricky Gervais essentially playing himself, or Robert De Niro as a surprisingly gay sky captain. That's not in the book, but De Niro playing gay, that's funny, right? Right?! Sigh. Speaking of De Niro, he's not the only American in the cast, but he's the only one who doesn't affect a British accent, which is odd. In terms of casting, I always struggle with Claire Danes too, and don't really think she's a great fit for the living star Yvaine. Young Charlie Cox as the hero is better, Michelle Pfeiffer as the witch queen very cool, Mark Strong as the (other) villain up to par. I hate to give this only a passing grade because it really does have a good mock-Tolkien/Lewis story, beautiful evocations of fairy tale logic, and the sense that this could be an actual folk tale. Vaughn's irreverence and casual tone switching (here, the animal violence is at odds with the comic turns) would be much more at home in Kingsman, improving on Millar where he could only drag down Gaiman. 2 years ago
  3. IreneAdler's avatar


    This is an absolutely wonderful movie, one of my favourites! It surprised me somehow, to me it just came out of nowhere, one day I just saw it on TV and immediately liked it.

    It's a fantasy movie with witches, magic and adventures... but it's also just hilarious! :)

    Lovely actors, great comedy... one highlight is definately Robert DeNiro as a very special pirate captain... amazing! But the whole cast was lovely and the movie is always great to watch. Love it!
    10 years 6 months ago
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