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Spartacus XII's avatar

Spartacus XII

I didn't really know what to expect from this film beforehand, and what I discovered was a film with a mixed up plot, some sub-par acting (and bad dubbing), and some effects which must have been bad even for their time. Despite all this, I would highly recommend this to anyone curious about it. Usually the flaws I mentioned would ruin any film, but this had a brilliantly creepy atmosphere throughout, purely through the visuals and sound. The music is simply the best horror film music i've come across, and adds so much to the experience.
12 years 7 months ago
Cassiodoro's avatar


This is horror!
12 years 7 months ago
sixteenmiles's avatar


Some thoughts on Suspiria: https://16miles.wordpress.com/2015/05/18/suspiria-1977/

Suspiria is an oppressive blend of light, colour, shape and sound. It is an atmosphere that doesn’t let you breathe until the film closes. In the moments where it could slip into the realm of cheap B-Movie horror, it instead becomes art.

It isn’t the strength of the actors or the plot that will keep you gripped to the screen. The plot is absurd fantasy, as contrived as you would expect from a horror film. There is only a certain amount of willingness to believe in the absurd. Which is why the best horror is the best storytelling. It invests you so deep in something bizarre.

Suspiria instead has something else. It has a style unlike anything you have seen before or since. The lighting and set design is unreal; it is bursting. The set pieces are vast, jagged, cutting modern gothic. The soundtrack is a sour wash of melody that is overwhelming in the film’s quietest moments.

The thing about the film’s plot, though. It could let the film down. The acting could let the film down. Some dated blood effects could let the film down. But it’s hard to give the film a hard time about those things when they seem so small in the film’s grand scale.
8 years 11 months ago
fonz's avatar


I haven't seen any Dario Argento since high school, when my buddy saw this on top horror movies list, bought it along with a bunch of other Argento/giallo films and we enjoyed the fuck outta them all. I am not a fan of the horror genre as much as some lovers of cinema are, I think it relies too much on jump scares and gruesome death sequences, but this (along with the half dozen other Argento films I have seen) is entirely different beast altogether. First things first, the use of color is unlike anything you might have ever seen, especially in a horror film. Every sequence looks fantastic and builds tension thanks to the feeling of unease evoked by the reds, greens, blues and yellows. And then there is the soundtrack. Holy fuck, does Goblin crush it. It is some of the best mood setting this side of John Carpenter.

What really separates this film from others in the genre is how it builds the death sequences. There are only about a half dozen in the film and although you know the character being followed is gonna bite it, you just don't know how. No Chekov's gun here.

Other than the weak performances (could be the post-production dub), this a perfect horror film. Great set up, memorable scenes, a fantastic score and masterful art direction all contribute to what should be must see for even the casual viewer of film.
8 years 1 month ago
Adamov10's avatar


Deep Red is million times better
9 years 12 months ago
Mr DeMille's avatar

Mr DeMille

Atmospheric and funny horror movie that worries more about your anticipation and curiosity about the killings and the killer than the usual suspense and scares, although it is scary in some parts.
Good music too.
13 years 5 months ago
Princess_Of_Snails's avatar


The acting was pretty poor at times, but other aspects of the film make up for its shortcomings. The music is absolutely fantastic and the way the film was shot with a strong emphasis on red and blue lighting was really interesting.
8 years 3 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Dunno why this one is regarded so highly, I saw nothing of particularly good quality. It was pretty damn underwhelming, just came across as an average movie (didn't hate it though).

I see that people here are giving good feedback on the music and I'll agree on that, built up the atmosphere quite well. Though at times the music was ridiculously jarring and unsuited.
11 years 9 months ago
jchero's avatar


I had been waiting to see this movie for close to ten years and boy the Argentos did not disappoint. The color theory and set pieces were looked cheap and garish. The soundtrack as with any Argento film ratcheted up the creep ambiance. Highly recommended!
6 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


creepy, modern fairy tale about Satanic goings on at a ballet school for young girls, but the plot isn't really important (or that unambiguous). Argento is all about atmosphere, managing the horror not in the standard gothic tropes of the tale, but with extreme lighting, bizarre locations and dissonant sound design. Not to say the shock moments that punctuate the story aren't disturbing. Everything in Suspiria is designed to make the audience feel on edge, tapping into a different side of the brain. Lots to admire whether it scares or not, as it's filled with innovation. Remains unique even after all these years.
6 years 11 months ago
Blade22's avatar


the background music is very good...
12 years 9 months ago
rhitwick's avatar


I like the Suspiria soundtrack very much....the music alone creates the environment.
13 years 9 months ago
georginagg's avatar


Oh my! It is indeed the masterpiece it is held up to be.
5 years 3 months ago
taarene's avatar


an interesting cinemascope experience.
12 years 6 months ago
mrpinbert's avatar


The plot is "ok". What wowed me are the spectacular and breathtaking cinematography and the set design. The acting is pasable with a noteworthy performance from Jessica Harper who plays the lead. A mayor problem I had with the film is the bad voice dubbing. There are occasions where the dialogue is barely audible. I was also mixed on the score, sometimes it works wonderfull but often it is incredibly jarring. The flaws of this film sadden me because had these been adjusted "Suspiria" could have been a true horror masterpiece. Still it is in many aspects a great film that can be strongly recommended to anyone that is curious. 7.8/10
8 years 6 months ago

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