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Alias's avatar


What a delicious piece of work.
13 years ago
-1flb2-'s avatar


GREAT MOVIE. I enjoyed every minute of it. You have to watch. So many plot lines with no filler. Well done!
7 years 8 months ago
akuma587's avatar


My Chinese girlfriend missed noddle when we watched it. And we had noodle for dinner.
14 years 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


Surely one of the great food films, Tampopo's main story - about a widow struggling to keep her husband's ramen restaurant going, who gets help from a trucker and various members of the community - in supplemented by vignettes about people's relationship with food. These range from the amusing to the occasionally tragic to the completely absurd, especially the one that opens the film about a gangster who equates food and sex. A couple of moments with live animals aside, this is entirely delightful and yes, I had to stop mid-way to make myself something to eat. You almost have to. Not something pre-fab. You want to cook it yourself. It's not so much that the film makes you hungry, but that it makes you want to get your hands right in there. The main story isn't about a magically talented cook, but someone who does the work, with the help of some quirky friends (love the gourmet tramps). I didn't realize there was so much industrial espionage in the ramen game. The story also has a samurai film/western overlay - strangers come to town and help the community - but it's subtle, and can only really be felt in retrospect.
3 years 2 months ago
Nine99's avatar


Food porn.
12 years 10 months ago
ianwlad's avatar


this is a great movie
14 years ago
Phyrexian's avatar


A masterpiece! So Japanese, and yet it can not fail to hit straight to the heart of humans from whichever culture. A love hymn to life, to food, and to cinema.
6 years 11 months ago
Windill's avatar


Funny movie about food and love for food, yet also mocking the bourgeois-ization of it.
4 years 7 months ago
attie pattie's avatar

attie pattie

best movie i have seen in a long time
8 years 8 months ago
maasr's avatar


This is a must watch for everyone who likes food.
14 years 5 months ago
jo027's avatar


This movie makes me hungry.
2 years 10 months ago
carlosmal's avatar


My favorite movie of all times.
13 years 9 months ago
xianjiro's avatar


About forty-five minutes in I had the feeling that I've seen this one before but it wasn't until the bit about not letting the soup boil that I knew for certain. I've never been able to make a clear broth and always, but always, I'm thinking about this movie. Funny what sticks with you so many, many movies later, eh?

I really should have started tracking the films I'd seen a lot sooner than I did...

I miss going out for noodles. (Wiping away a solitary tear.)

EDIT 25 Jan 16: Ramen is actually the hot new (and expensive) eating trend in Portland these days! I'm curious to try the new places, just don't get into the city that often. MMMMMM. Rammmmmen.
9 years 3 months ago
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