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Boei's avatar


Very stylish and even weird at times. Not a historical biopic just plainly listing the facts and history, but more of an artistic, impressionistic portrayal of the life and work of Tesla. Think it suits, since the subject has lots of mystery around it.

Interesting experience, enjoyed it. Gave me the feeling of discovery and wonder. And of course it left me wondering if Tesla was really close to a world changing invention and what could have happened had he succeeded.
3 months 1 week ago
DaniloFreiles's avatar


Una sequenza di aneddoti. Neanche attendibili.
"Tesla era un poliglotta. Accanto al serbo e al croato, conosceva perfettamente altre sette lingue: il ceco, l'inglese, il francese, il tedesco, l'ungherese, l'italiano e il latino." (Wikipedia)
Deludente, per quanto mi riguarda.
2 years 5 months ago
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