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Forzelius's avatar


I think I prefer the Wes Anderson version.
3 years 10 months ago
dombrewer's avatar


A vicious pack of genetically modified killer dogs loose on an island outsmart and massacre a gang of dim, stereotyped holiday-makers. That's all you need to know about the plot, and that is the entire film in a nutshell. There's always a degree of guilty pleasure watching nonsense like this, more so when the general quality of the acting, script and cinematography is better than the standard. For the most part this one worked pretty well, the acting and script is mostly good but it all goes wrong with the plot (simplistic, stupid) and the dog wrangling (mostly unconvincing). It must be a tricky thing to pull off getting dogs to act like killers when they are furiously wagging their tails as they attack. My favourite stupid scene must be when the dogs chew away the rope of sea plane so the humans only hope of escape drifts away down river. Then all the dogs hide nearby (presumably giggling to each other) - and when one of the silly humans attempts to swim to the plane to get it back - shock reveal! - two of the dogs are revealed to be patiently sat on a previously unseen corner of the plane's roof and leap into the water to chase him back to the dock. It's comedy gold.
The tone for the most part is pleasingly dark, there are very few attempts to alleviate the sense of menace, particularly as tensions mount in the group as bitten party members start to take on aggressive traits - that's how genetic modification works, see? But then suddenly in the last reel Michelle Rodriguez's tough chick Nicki starts throwing off one liners like we've suddenly switched channels - "give Cujo my best" she quips as she stupidly blows up the entire building she's standing in (and somehow survives without a stratch). Tag on a "surprise" ending, and there you have it: dog shit.
11 years 3 months ago
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