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Siskoid's avatar


Alec Guinness always had a way with light comedy, and The Card is possibly only remarkable because he's in it. He plays a pauper who, through various scams and happy accidents, climbs up the social and economic ladder, though there are moments where he may have met his match in a dance and piano teacher who has a way with spending his money. It's Great Expectations if Pip were a little more ambitious and less dependent on outrageous luck and mystery patrons. By hook or by crook, "Denry" is self-made (not that it impressed his mother much), becoming a "card" by first finding a business card that gives him his first idea (they have fun with the title). Amusing, but it has a very loose structure, so the different incidents are just set pieces hung up on the same line, and they don't really make for a tight plot. But whatever the film's weaknesses, Guinness is someone you want to watch succeed and so you do, and he does.
4 years 3 months ago
monty's avatar


8 years 1 month ago
MovieDearest's avatar


9 years 11 months ago
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