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105 min.
Michael Gracey
Drama, Biography, Musical
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5.1% (1:20)
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  1. RogueM's avatar


    I friggin loved every second of it. I've been listening on the soundtrack on repeat for a week now. 6 years 2 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    Because it's a showy musical, The Greatest Showman really shouldn't be criticized for its lack of accuracy as if it were a garden-variety biopic. I've read those complaints, and rather thought P.T. Barnum's portrayal was nevertheless well balanced, even fictionalized as he was. And since he was known as a bit of a con man, the hokum involved is completely within the realm of the appropriate. I liked the songs, but it's the choreography of each set piece that really fascinates, incorporating various circus tricks to provide things we've not seen in a musical before, and following Barnum's own show business strategy of showcasing unusual abilities. The film also has a strong message about the dangers of success in the showbiz world, while also encouraging people to put themselves out there, whatever their talents might be. A nice combination of inspiration and warning, wrapped in a beautiful-looking package. 6 years 3 months ago
  3. Jace Lightner's avatar

    Jace Lightner

    As I was watching this film, there seemed something extremely dodgy about P.T. Barnum, as portrayed by Hugh Jackman. The way he talked, the things he said. I had no idea as to whether this character was fictitious or based on someone from history so I thought I’d quickly research it. (Btw I typed “the greatest showman and capitalism”) Oh boy, I wish I wasn’t so curious. I found out he was a racist, fraud, hoax-artist and a pioneer/peddler of “fake news”. Apparently he would try to expose hoax showmen and in the process hide away his own trickery and exploitation. Smart tactic. These aspects of his character were barely explored and it baffles me that someone with that kind of history and negative influence is portrayed in a “feel good” (pretentious) musical

    Maybe the various articles I read (both that defended the movie or blasted it) affected the way I responded to the movie. Everything seemed pretentious and out of place. It became a cringe fest and felt insincere. I got very annoyed that they took historical liberties with his personal record. He didn’t grow up in abject poverty or beg for food. My guy had wealthy relatives and was the son of a respected proprietor.

    Nothing special at all. Even if P.T. Barnum was a saint, the film is still sub-par.
    And the music is
    5 years 8 months ago
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