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Siskoid's avatar


The story of The Pied Piper is a rather cursory one om general pop culture. Flautist promises to get rid of town's plague rat problem in exchange for money. The town reneges. He leaves with the town's children. Jacques Demy's adaptation therefore focuses on more characters - the corrupt leaders of the town, including some terrifyingly abominable church men, the scientist trying to cure the plague, a girl to be married to a rich noble, a limping assistant... Yes, the Piper is in it too, sympathetically - if broadly - portrayed by Donovan, who provides his own songs. With Demy, you might expect a full-on musical, but I don't think it counts. There are several diagetic songs, and of course the flute anthems, but no one except the Piper is ever involved. It's a charming piece, full of recognizable actors, but it ends a bit too abruptly for my tastes. I would have liked a bit more of a reaction from Hamlin. But above all - and this is important - The Pied Piper is a movie about funny hats.
1 year 3 months ago
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