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Zyxos's avatar


So bad it's funny. If you're looking for a good schlock movie, this is absolutely perfect!

Extremely cheesy lines, non-sensincal plot, stupid violence.
5 years 7 months ago
ivandroide's avatar


The characters were so bad I was actually rooting for the predator.
5 years 4 months ago
muzzlehatch's avatar


Incredibly bad and ill-conceived overall but I have to say that the last third or so, where the stupidity seems to keep getting amped up minute by minute, almost takes this into so-bad-it's-good territory.

Shane Black should really stick to his own, non-franchise material.
5 years 7 months ago
NoamO's avatar


It's bad and cheesy, but it knows its bad, which makes it good. Had fun watching it.
5 years 4 months ago
bathkuyp's avatar


Amazingly poor execution of a bad idea. A cooked up story dropped in a meat grinder.
5 years 4 months ago
igordebraga's avatar


In an age where big budget action\horror\sci-fi is getting neutered, The Predator at least isn't watered down, bordering on exploitation film in its level of blood, swearing, political incorrectness and tasteless dialogue. Thus it entertains and is rarely boring, but certainly aimless, with weird plot developments (some of whom are contradictory to the rest of the franchise) and excessive attempts at comedy, many of whom fall flat.
5 years 6 months ago
popfactor's avatar


Full of weirdly dated humour (your mama jokes and Tourettes as a comedic device. In 2018... really?) The male characters were all pretty hateable and the female representation was so crap that I would've honestly preferred a 100% sausage-fest.
5 years 7 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Disappointing sequel. Has some ok moments but the characters are very annoying, dialogue rather stupid and why a young kid needs to be involved. It may have worked in the 80ies but feels off.

Predator 1 and 2 are great movies and even Predators was ok, but this is a step down.
1 year 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


With the money behind it, Shane Black's The Predator should have been more than schlock, but it IS schlock, and AS schlock, it's better than average schlock. I certainly enjoyed the cast, or I should say the supporting cast because Hollywood keeps casting generic white boys as soldier heroes that seem indistinguishable from one another. But Olivia Munn, Keegan-Michael Key, Sterling Brown, Thomas Jane, Yvonne Strahovski (playing the mom, but dude, it's criminal not to have her fight anyone, especially since you tease it), Travante Rhodes and Jacob Tremblay are all actors I want to watch. There are many cool and crazy action scenes in the film, and I liked the comic banter between what I felt were pretty interesting characters (all the soldiers are dealing with a mental health issue, etc.), so when the plot veers into nonsense, well, that's really where this film was at. I'm not expecting some kind of intellectual sci-fi piece from a slasher franchise about alien trophy hunters. What's wrong is a whole other order. The movie is badly edited, and I often asked myself just where we were, or how we'd gotten there, who just got killed, etc. It would usually explain itself within moments, but the lack of clarity (only amplified by Netflix viewing, which smother night scene into an impenetrable black screen) is a bug, not a feature. And I will never not be irritated by movies pushing for sequels when they don't deserve them. This is evidently pitched at teenagers, given the amount of gore and dumb jokes, but I found it entertaining enough, warts and all.
3 years 8 months ago
jrackow's avatar


Apparently we only have one or two generations left on the earth before global warming DESTROYS US ALL, and the Predators can sense it, and that's why they're here. The writing was so bad that I would not be surprised if some of it was cross-pollinated with the actual "Green New Deal". It felt like the 1980's style of writing including obvious school bullies, autistic geniuses, the Jurassic Park 2 entrance and persona of Randall Pearson, and I still don't understand the allegiances with the "dog"?
4 years 2 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Disappointing sequel. Has some ok moments but the characters are very annoying, dialogue rather stupid and why a young kid needs to be involved. It may have worked in the 80ies but feels off.

Predator 1 and 2 are great movies and even Predators was ok, but this is a step down.
1 year 1 month ago
MJWallace's avatar


I finally set down to watch 'The Predator' as it was on my list, but I never got around to it. I got annoyed with the main lead early, as he was trying to hard to be a badass, but it reminded me of something. Then there was the kid that should have no place in a serious Predator movie, and I couldn't remember where I've seen him before. However, it wasn't until the busscene where you meet the rest of the ensemble cast, that I realized: I have seen this movie before. A whopping 21 minutes into the movie before I realized I had friggin seen the whole movie before. That is how little impact it had on me after watching it the first time. I think I had just blocked the memory of it all.

Even though Predators wasn't a good movie, it was more in style with the originals. It also had a bad lead, but at least it was dirty, and gritty. This movie...Shiny spaceships, superfancy transformer weaponry. Coming up with an even bigger predator...Ugh, I would've been okay with it if it wasn't a Predator movie, because, that is actually what it feels like: a generic crappy monster movie. Unfortunately, it is from a much beloved franchise that I used to watch as a kid.

Go watch Prey for a much better new predator experience.
1 year 4 months ago
Sk1337's avatar


First of all, i don’t get the bad rating.
Why do it receive so much hate??
I liked it.
Very entertaining movie! great actionscenes, funny puns and humour and a good plot.
Great homage to the original.
The new predator is big and intimidating, which was way the right way to go.
I recommend it if youre a fan of the original or if you just enjoy a good actionmovie.
5 years 2 months ago
Emiam's avatar


Why not better script, or why not, at least some, better actors?
5 years 2 months ago
mrjeffwright's avatar


This movie was so nonsensical and some of the scenes in it were so far-fetched that I never expected I would be finding myself having so much fun while watching it.
Bad script. Great acting all around, though.
Horrible CGI. Really badass action scenes, though.
Doesn't add anything to the franchise. Stands on its own in the "schlock movies to watch and laugh stupidly at while high" list, though.
Some of you may not agree with me, but I'm putting it on my so bad it's good list for sure. spoiler

3 years 4 months ago

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