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flxg's avatar


oh god no.
9 years 12 months ago
badblokebob's avatar


When your cool hero’s car is provided by Volvo, you know you’re onto a loser.
4 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


I used to watch The Saint on TV when I was a kid, but I can't claim clear memories of the program except for the animated calling card stick figure opening. 1997's movie version is fine, but not particularly memorable. Val Kilmer is fun in the role, and I like the Young Indiana Jones type origin story, but the gentleman thief is co-opted by an action spy thriller narrative, with a ludicrous MacGuffin, a cartoon version of Russian politics, and Elisabeth Shue as a movie scientist (if you know what I mean). In fact, she isn't just badly written, but her character's presence pushes the movie into romcom territory, and it's far weaker on that level than any other. I just don't believe the romance anymore than I do the politics and science. The script misses a couple of opportunities for good grifter stuff, and is on automatic when it comes to predictable call-backs and such. Well, at least Coupling's Kate Isitt is in it in a tiny part (and Emily Mortimer is a small, but oo-la-la role). That's good for something, right?
4 years 4 months ago
dream_tiger's avatar


Before Val Kilmer got fat and gross.
9 years 3 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


As a kid, I enjoyed this more than any of the modern installments of James Bond. Not sure how much I'd like it now, but it's definitely a memorable one.
11 years 11 months ago
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