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Peeorpoo's avatar


I totally agree with moviewizguy. What especially got to me was her screaming, I'm actually impressed, how does one scream so much without hurting herself?
10 years 9 months ago
sureup's avatar


More bizarre than scary, but still awesome... And I agree that the word "intense" pretty much describes perfectly large parts of the second half.

Only thing that drags it down is the poor/weird acting by some of the "teenagers" BUT what it does is add to the surrealism of the whole thing.

13 years 1 month ago
essaywhu's avatar


A true Horror masterpiece! This is still one of the scariest films I have ever seen. The only trouble is that this film basically created a new genre in Horror that spawned so many imitators that it can be hard to see what made it so special today as so many aspects of the film have become tropes. If you go into the film with the mindset is that it is 1974 and you have never seen anything like it before, then you will have a much better time.
10 years 5 months ago
neonlampaa's avatar


spoiler! Kind of brilliant.
7 years 6 months ago
Vesohag's avatar


One of the best horror movies that I have ever seen. Really scary... even this days -although, I don't like to say that phrase; but, it most have been unbelievable.
12 years 7 months ago
Biki's avatar


Is it bad to feel relieved when Franklin dies?
7 years 7 months ago
schneid67's avatar


Brutal. That's all I can say. So real and so amazing. Great horror cinematography as well
9 years 4 months ago
moviewizguy's avatar


I liked TCM the first time I saw it. It scared and disturbed me. On a rewatch, however, I noticed a lot of flaws pertaining to this B-movie slasher flick that cannot be ignored. But before I get to all that, there is a lot to admire about the film: the foreboding atmosphere, Leatherface's first appearance which is shocking and memorable, the Grandpa character, and it's competently made by a filmmaker who knows what he's doing.

However, there are some downright frustrating things about the film, the main one being the characters. Unfortunately, the most sympathetic/least annoying characters are spoiler And then there's Frankie. Oh, Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. I don't know how I could stand him the first time around, but he is such an annoying character, despite him being in a wheelchair. The scene with him refusing to give his sister Sally the flashlight makes me want to punch a kitten in the face, but that's just one of many occasions where I wanted him to die, spoiler. Next, there's Sally. She makes the second half of the film almost unbearable to watch. Her constant screaming is an assault to the senses. It may very well rival Michael Bay's action scenes in any of the Transformers films in giving you a headache. Seriously, apart from flailing around uselessly, that's all she does in the entire film. As opposed to Laurie in Halloween, she makes one hell of an incompetent heroine.

Furthermore, there isn't much of a plot here. It's pretty uneventful when compared to the 2003 remake. The film doesn't give any chances for the victims to fight back, and they die too easily which I guess is the point to show Leatherface as a big, unstoppable monster or whatever. Where's the fun in that when there's no even playing field though? But maybe this isn't supposed to be a fun, entertaining film. If the filmmakers' job was to scare people, TCM only does so on occasion. Again, having actress Marilyn Burns screaming is more aggravating than scary, and you have villains (the father and brother) who are just as annoying. Overall, TCM has a lot of potential in being a great horror film, but falls short mainly due to its characters. 5/10
11 years 4 months ago
Scratch47's avatar


wow. very intense, almost too much so. can see why it was rejected by the UK censors back in 1974.
13 years 6 months ago
Marcus Fenix's avatar

Marcus Fenix

How can people say this was good?
Me and my wife were laughing our guts out the last 30 minutes! It was like they were out of ideas so they just made her run in the dark and scream!! I have seen over a 100 scary movies, and I can say this will not be in the top 100 if I needed to rank them in order. Go watch something more useful, watch the grass grow or paint dry, believe me, that will be a more productive use of your time and energy.
6 months 2 weeks ago
Rehan's avatar


Finally, watched this annoyingly impressive movie after keeping it on my watchlist for years. I couldn't help but laugh and feel scared at the same time during the last 15 minutes. spoiler
2 years 10 months ago
GreyScarf's avatar


.....and I’m still having nightmares.
3 years 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Tobe Hooper films I've seen are bonkers, genre-shifting film artifacts, but going back to his origins, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre isn't all that different in that respect. You think you're watching a certain kind of film (true crime), find out it's actually a crazy cannibal slasher flick, but then the truth (which I'll keep to myself) is something else. Lurid in the best way, Hooper gives his debut and opus an indie edge AND some pretty beautiful cinematography (golden hour makes frequent appearances). The disturbia is supported by some really interesting animal imagery, though the genius move is in the sound design, crafting a score out of sounds heard in an abattoir. A demented heat stroke of a film, I've nevertheless seen too many hickspolitation movies that took a similar route in terms of plot to be entirely fascinated. But as usual, horror for me rarely feels visceral. I engage with the genre on an intellectual and aesthetic basis, and on the count, I got my money's worth. Certainly, it doesn't LOOK like cheap schlock, and it makes me sorry that Hooper was never given his head when he was handed bigger budgets.
5 years 1 month ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Anyone complaining about the characters not being fleshed out enough...I mean c'mon this is not a movie about characters. It's a quick, adrenaline filled glimpse into a nightmarish predicament. The scariest thing about the film is how quick it starts killing people off, removing that element to try and squeeze in some characterization would only work against the films gritty, raw style. The pace and tone of this really work wonders and I think this movie will always have an impact on people. When it was over I couldn't believe how fast the movie seemed to fly by. A horror masterpiece.
5 years 9 months ago
MetalMagnum's avatar


Loved the dinner scene-- very macabre movie as the opening scroll suggests. I found the ending of the film to be unsettlingly abrupt, but still enjoyable. The wild, nonverbal acting from Sally's character was a bit rough on the ears but otherwise terrific. TCM was clearly a trailblazer in the horror genre.
6 years 3 months ago

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