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Comments 1 - 15 of 38

dirte_lawndre's avatar


Awesome movie and the overall atmosphere is great. The characters paranoia and mistrust with each another is really compelling viewing.
11 years 11 months ago
Thanh's avatar


My favourite horror movie! The atmosphere is excellent, the FX are amazing, no CGI bullshits, only models and puppets. Kurt Russel and Keith David are awesome.
One of best Carpenter's movies.
10 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Screw CGI, the mechanical effects here still make their impact. The Thing remains a claustrophobic classic that generally doesn't stray into the clichés we're used to with this kind of story. And Kurt Russell. 'nuff said.
7 years 4 months ago
stefenemie's avatar


Those who can't understand the slow build have been subjected to MTV culture and wouldn't know a good movie if it slapped them in the face.
12 years 6 months ago
TheBanana's avatar


One of few horror movies that manage to increase my pulse. Terrifying. Creepy. Amazing.
12 years 2 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


I don't want a horror movie to try too hard to scare me, I just want to be creeped properly out. This is a very creepy film that will leave you with the same eerie feeling as Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
12 years 3 months ago
Zeltaebar's avatar


I used to own The Thing on VHS and watched it many times. I considered it to be one of my absolute favourite movies. I was young then, just turned twenty perhaps, and it is deeply mysterious to me that watching it now, more than ten years past, I can't seem to get as much into it as I used to. It is not the familiarity of it, as I didn't remember who turns when or any of that, but there is some vital ingredient missing, which didn't bother me when I was younger. Perhaps it is the lack of character development. I must have seen this movie a dozen times or more and I still can't remember any characters traits or mannerisms, or even their names except Kurt Russel's MacReady. The special effects are still impressive, the somber Morricone score still lends atmosphere and John Carpenter certainly knows how to stage memorable scenes and how to build tension. A good movie to be sure, and every horror buff owns it to themself to see this one at least once, but it was not the masterpiece I remembered from days gone by.
8 years 10 months ago
ReVision's avatar


I agree with dirte_lawndre, great atmosphere and the paranoia made the movie really suspenseful!
11 years 9 months ago
Rami's avatar


Love it! And Morricone's music *_*
12 years 5 months ago
sennaho's avatar


An amazing horror movie! Great atmosphere and some amazing special effects! It makes me sad to think about all the CGI that is used these days instead of "real" special effects!
12 years 6 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Carpenter's film is chock-full of suspense and stomach-turning special effects, but when you consider the plot, the film falls short of being at all satisfying. If you're going to place your characters in danger, the audience needs to care whether they live or die. The whole film is so nihilistic that I felt quite indifferent toward the possible fate of all of humanity in this sci-fi thriller. Horror fans would love this, but for the average movie-goer it's just not satisfying.
13 years 3 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


My favourite movie, and Carpenter's masterpiece. Never gets old for me.
12 years ago
vishnu's avatar


atmospheric. terrifying.
now in my top 3 "alien" movies!!!

1. Alien (1979)
2. The Thing (1982)
3. The Mist (2007)
12 years 10 months ago
zombies4ever's avatar


This is a great movie! One of my fav movies of all. Definitely recommended!
13 years 5 months ago
porscheguy19's avatar


This is one of my all time favorite sci-fi/horror movie. I put it on for some friends who usually joke and make fun of movies like this (they laughed at Alien) - and the movie started off like that... joking, making fun... I leaned over to the person next to me and whispered "watch this, they won't be laughing for long." ..and sure enough a couple more minutes and there was just tense silence as the suspense and terror set in.
14 years 7 months ago

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