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satisfythecrave's avatar


‪A beautiful exploration of queerness with sexuality, familial dynamics, and the mysticism within.
6 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


My stupid two-word review for Joachim Trier's Thelma is "Queer Carrie", but if that intrigues you, all the better. Unlike Carrie, which used horrific psychic powers as a metaphor for puberty and teenage anxieties, Thelma is about a college-age girl. But it's also about an important life transition because she struggles with coming out as gay though she's been raised as a strict Christian. So while there's definitely a sci-fi/horror plot that stands on its own and subversively makes you side with a character responsible for some objectionable actions, it also works very well as a metaphor for owning one's identity, rejecting parental orthodoxy, and the stresses and guilt associated with all of that. The film looks beautiful too, and Eili Harboe in the title role is an engaging, sympathetic presence. From its enigmatic first sequence to its satisfying ending, Thelma keeps surprising, terrifying and enchanting.
4 years 3 months ago
yukononun's avatar


A beautiful film.
I did enjoy the first half more, as to me after spoiler it felt like a different film. Both parts were excellent, of course, but I preferred the feel to the first half. Maybe it's because the style reminded me of Kyss mig (another LGBT movie, oddly enough), which I loved.
I was also hoping to see more spoiler, so it's my fault for being disappointed.

Still, an excellent film for sure. The music, cinematography and acting were all magnificent.
5 years 10 months ago
sdreich's avatar


Wow, this film was epic!!

It will stay with me for a long time.
6 years 3 months ago
Emiam's avatar


As in many cases a promising start, but a worse second half. The end is not good.
A beautiful Norwegian Eili Harboe.
2 years 2 months ago


It's easy to see why there are so many comparisons to 'Carrie' but this feels like if 'Carrie' was an X-Men film. Yeah, that sounds stupid and reductive, so don't let that put you off seeing this, it's thrilling.
6 years 4 months ago
MMDan's avatar


4 years ago
DaniloFreiles's avatar


Comincia con una scena di caccia... ma solo apparentemente.
4 years 4 months ago
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