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Siskoid's avatar


I'm a sucker for time travel movies anyway, but Time Trap is actually pretty good for a the kind of cheaply-made SF that ends up on Netflix. A cast of characters are investigating a system of caves where time doesn't flow at the normal rate, and at first, it plays like a horror film. We've got disposable teens in a dark environment, they might start dropping like flies at any moment, even some knowing nods at Blair Witch Project. And they're initially a little slow to catch up to the audience in terms of understanding and accepting what's going on. And then things start to get loopy and it turns into well-produced science-fiction, and it's no longer going where you think it's going. It's never going to win prizes for dialog or acting, but it leans into its premise 100%, which I was expecting. I may even be designed that way, so as to create cheap cop-out expectations and then subvert them. After all, you're pretty convinced it's just a stupid slasher film dressed up as time travel until things get more interesting.
4 years 9 months ago
Minamu's avatar


Pretty cool movie if you remove 95% of all dialogue and character interactions.
3 years 9 months ago
NevertrustGoogle's avatar


Cool concept, bad film. There is obviously the bad dialogue, much of the film being boring and of course they broke the golden rule of not casting teenagers in these types of film. spoiler
1 year 1 month ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I think this just might be low budget B-movie sci-fi at its absolute best. The premise does a decent job of roping you in and it only gets better from there. Dialog was cringey at some points and was the one and only sore point for me. Could have been cleaned up really easily. It doesn't explain everything, but is presented in such a way that it doesn't need to and still makes sense with a little imagination from the viewer. Full props to whoever came up with this one.
3 years 4 months ago
DaniloFreiles's avatar


Film bellissimo. Consigliato a tutti gli amanti del genere fantascientifico (o Sci-Fi).
L'unico animale che ricordo di aver visto è un cane, però non mi sembra di averlo visto stressato.

L'unica cosa che non mi ha convinto è stata spoiler
4 years 4 months ago
stickyfloor's avatar


Seriously?! This movie is not a masterpiece, but seriously?! It's not that bad, a surprise almost. Seriously, you gotta love the dialog.
5 years 4 months ago
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