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125 min.
Judd Apatow
Drama, Romance, Comedy
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2.8% (1:36)
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  1. fonz's avatar


    With a cast full of comedic talents, one rises above all the rest both figuratively and literally. Mr. Lebron James may be just an unassuming basketball player, but deep underneath that stoic exterior he harbors a hidden desire to be a star. And that is what he'll become if he works harder to be better than everyone else. In what is poised to be the breakout role that puts his name in the mouths and minds of the masses, Mr. James dunks it out of the park and slams it into the goal and wins one for the Gipper. If the Academy doesn't recognize his talent here, surely they are off their meds and rockers and need their vision, hearing and next-big-thing radar checked. For the rest of us, all we have is the future to look forward to. All two meters-plus of it. 9 years 2 months ago
  2. BigAwesomeBLT's avatar


    As with most Apatow movies (and I like Apatow a lot), Trainwreck is about 30 mintues too long.
    There were quite a few laugh out loud moments in the first hour that I loved.
    The second hour drags as the film hits all the major rom-com clichés and becomes super predictable. (Especially considering this was exactly the type of thing Bill Hader was parodying in last years "They Came Together"...)
    I like Amy Schumer's writing, and the first 20 minutes gave me hope they were going somewhere new with the formula, but they don't.
    The film was also sold as "debauchery" but all the bad behaviour is dealt with in the first 10 minutes.
    I would recommend this to comedy fans but with a caution over the length. It also goes very chic-flick at the end.
    8 years 11 months ago
  3. chunkylefunga's avatar


    First two acts are decent enough but the third act lets it down a bit.
    What could have been a good movie ends up being an alright movie.

    Also why advertise this movie, as Awesomethunderbolt said, as a debauchery movie and then solve the debauchery problem pretty much straight away.
    Even the title Trainwreck is massively misleading :s

    LeBron had seem really funny lines. Enjoyed the writing for his part; can definitely feel the Chris Rock influence on his lines.
    8 years 10 months ago
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