Order by:


  1. 2
    Diane Lane filmography's icon

    Diane Lane filmography

    Ranking #2
  2. 32
    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Chick Flicks's icon

    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Chick Flicks

    Ranking #32
  3. 32
    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Chick Flicks's icon

    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Chick Flicks

    Ranking #32
  4. 34
    Financial Independence Retire Early (FI/RE) Films's icon

    Financial Independence Retire Early (FI/RE) Films

    Ranking #34
  5. 42
    Movies That Will Make You Want to Travel's icon

    Movies That Will Make You Want to Travel

    Ranking #42
  6. 44
    My Movies's icon

    My Movies

    Ranking #44
  7. 47
    Watched in 2022's icon

    Watched in 2022

    Ranking #47
  8. 48
    Chick Flicks's icon

    Chick Flicks

    Ranking #48
  9. 54
    BBC Culture's 'The 100 Greatest Films Directed by Women: Who Voted?' (All films)'s icon

    BBC Culture's 'The 100 Greatest Films Directed by Women: Who Voted?' (All films)

    Ranking #54
  10. 68
    myList's icon


    Ranking #68
  11. 69
    Box-Office 2003 (Top 100)'s icon

    Box-Office 2003 (Top 100)

    Ranking #69
  12. 76
    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Romance Movies's icon

    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Romance Movies

    Ranking #76
  13. 76
    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Romance Movies's icon

    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Romance Movies

    Ranking #76
  14. 83
    Mis Películas Favoritas's icon

    Mis Películas Favoritas

    Ranking #83
  15. 95
    British Airways' Top 100 Films that Inspire Travel's icon

    British Airways' Top 100 Films that Inspire Travel

    Ranking #95
  16. 113
    2024 365 to Watch's icon

    2024 365 to Watch

    Ranking #113
  17. 115
    Movies I've Watched's icon

    Movies I've Watched

    Ranking #115
  18. 147
    GLAAD Media Awards's icon

    GLAAD Media Awards

    Ranking #147
  19. 172
    From Book to Movie's icon

    From Book to Movie

    Ranking #172
  20. 208
    Lesbian (& Other WLW) Movies's icon

    Lesbian (& Other WLW) Movies

    Ranking #208
  21. 273
    This Had Oscar Buzz's icon

    This Had Oscar Buzz

    Ranking #273
  22. 322
    Canon of Life's icon

    Canon of Life

    Ranking #322
  23. 363
    Golden Globes - Acting Nominees's icon

    Golden Globes - Acting Nominees

    Ranking #363
  24. 591
    Out Movie Guide's icon

    Out Movie Guide

    Ranking #591
  25. 637
    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office's icon

    1001 popular movies at the 2000s box-office

    Ranking #637
  26. 1032
    James Monaco's How to Read a Film's icon

    James Monaco's How to Read a Film

    Ranking #1032
  27. 1077
    Movies mentioned as "feminist"'s icon

    Movies mentioned as "feminist"

    Ranking #1077
  28. 1542
    RFNAPLES Movie List's icon

    RFNAPLES Movie List

    Ranking #1542
  29. 2086
    Film Fanatic Book Two (Sl - Z)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (Sl - Z)

    Ranking #2086
  30. 3837
    iCM's most favorited's icon

    iCM's most favorited

    Ranking #3837
  31. 3949
    Directed by women (part 1)'s icon

    Directed by women (part 1)

    Ranking #3949
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.