Order by:
  1. 842
    Christian Marclay's The Clock's icon

    Christian Marclay's The Clock

    Ranking #842
  2. 127
    Claude Beylie's Les Films-Clés du Cinéma's icon

    Claude Beylie's Les Films-Clés du Cinéma

    Ranking #127
  3. 214
    David Bordwell's On the History of Film Style's icon

    David Bordwell's On the History of Film Style

    Ranking #214
  4. 155
    International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List's icon

    International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List

    Ranking #155
  5. 111
    Senses of Cinema's Top Tens's icon

    Senses of Cinema's Top Tens

    Ranking #111
  6. 190
    The Director's Vision: A Concise Guide to the Art of 250 Great Filmmakers's icon

    The Director's Vision: A Concise Guide to the Art of 250 Great Filmmakers

    Ranking #190
  7. 698
    The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers's icon

    The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers

    Ranking #698
  8. 248
    The Pendragon Society’s 1000 Greatest Films of All-Time 2019's icon

    The Pendragon Society’s 1000 Greatest Films of All-Time 2019

    Ranking #248
  9. 27
    Toronto Inter'l Film Festival's The Essential 100's icon

    Toronto Inter'l Film Festival's The Essential 100

    Ranking #27
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