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jm_london's avatar


In two minds about this one. On one hand, Melvil Poupaud is such a great actor and so handsome that that alone makes the film worth watching. But unfortunately he does not get enough screen time because the film is not about him, it's about his friend Victoria, a wreck of a lawyer and a mess of a person. A character that may seem funny at the beginning, but tires you very quickly. The film is not funny enough to be a comedy and not serious enough to be a drama. The plot is thin and silly, but it is well directed, so the result is bearable. I say, watch it only if you are a fan of Melvil (you won't be disappointed), or you just have nothing better to do or watch. In the latter case, keep your expectations low.
6 years 3 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Triet's In Bed with Victoria (or simply, Victoria, as the original title would have it) has Virginie Efira in a role not unlike the earlier Sibyl - a whip smart but damaged professional woman - but is a much warmer film, and like Vincent Lacoste's Sam, you fall in love with her despite yourself, warts and all. But though there's a romance brewing, to put this in the romantic comedy category is doing it a disservice. It's a portrait of a lawyer who, like all of Triet's protagonists, puts herself in an impossible situation and has to maneuver (not always successfully) ethical dilemmas. Here, it's a court case that involves one of her friends and a number of animal witnesses(!), even as she's suing her ex for using her life in a novel (which again throws us forward to Sibyl). Victoria is often funny, but it's tragic too, and if it IS a romcom, the formula's twists and turns are predicated on psychology rather than plot mechanics. If Sibyl kept me at a remove, Victoria draws me in close.
3 months 4 weeks ago
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