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xwizex's avatar


Richard Ayoade made me watch this
4 years 3 months ago
DerekFME's avatar


I've seen this twice. I didn't really like it the first time and it didn't get better on the second. Both times I deliberately watched it. What is wrong with me?
13 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


It's pretty obvious that the only reason to watch the wretched Gwyneth Paltrow vehicle (that's a plane joke) View from the Top is as a companion to reading Richard Ayoade's Ayoade on Top, which deconstructs it Cahiers du Cinéma style. Did all the A-listers in this thing lose a bet? Why does Rob Lowe have, like, a single scene? Did he owe Joshua Molina for replacing him on The West Wing? One thing this cabin crew confidential can't claim is that it knows a damn thing about the airline industry. None of it feels real - especially the bad wigs - nor can we believe Gwyneth as a Nevadan the way she says her state's name. In an apparent state of panic to try and make it "work", the director has slathered on over-obvious voice-over and an obnoxious number of just as obvious needle drops. I might need surgery to get my eyes back to the front of my face. Michael Meyers is in this as the worst sort of caricature, no doubt ad libbing himself into cross-eyed unfunniness. It's like he's in a different movie... and it's not any good either. View from the Top doesn't even know what its self-actualization message is (except, self-help books will save your life), as it surrenders to romcom clichés (there's even Christmas action). Its best note is perhaps its last one, and not just because it makes you think it's over, because it's not - please suffer through this blooper reel before you disembark. Ayoade on Top better be worth it...
3 years 1 month ago
backeby's avatar


Plain awful. A sad story with B-actors/actresses
12 years 10 months ago
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