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Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)'s activity
LeMathieuLewis checked this movie 18 hours 11 minutes ago
catherine-anne checked this movie 19 hours 45 minutes ago
skycaptain added this movie to their watchlist 2 days 18 hours ago
Ivanjimenez checked this movie 6 days 8 hours ago
butthorn disliked this movie 3 weeks ago
Daggereye checked this movie 4 weeks ago
_lorenzoborges added this movie to their watchlist 1 month ago
TomTestinger, TomTestinger, PJandStuff, and 8 others stateofhailey, TheStiff, UNIVERSAL MONSTER, Morpheus83, midiain, tmmarkos, madmangardens and zombiefan71 checked this movie 2 months 2 weeks ago
Old_Glory, WolfeAM, Smoover, and 2 others fewillhite and Anthemis checked this movie 3 months 2 weeks ago
jackdellis7, Lirik92, GruelOmelettes, and 7 others jforrester78, RosePlantQueen, Rmadsrk, PretentiousHip91, Belbet, FilmAddict1 and ElinGus checked this movie 4 months 4 weeks ago
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kaestle disliked this movie 5 months 4 weeks ago
Dundis67, morganba, theaterofhorror, and 8 others RJCthatsme, nezume, Vinnie4747, LBfan1, JessicaMuse, Quarehawk, richjenkins28 and Nerd Perfect checked this movie 7 months ago
jbails007, Old_Glory, saltyorca82, and 5 others HappyMonkey11, zissou14, Snakeboi8000, Lldp88 and firatbozlak checked this movie 8 months ago
trickstertanuki, Lord_of_Fratley, ScotsmanReviews, and 3 others Randulf, AlfSimen and TaranofPrydain checked this movie 9 months 2 weeks ago
Eli Gerris added this movie to their watchlist 10 months 3 weeks ago
HarryPotterAndTheMethodsOfRationality, sonomanstereo, Ophelia Deelite and 1 other LainyLainy checked this movie 10 months 3 weeks ago
Siskoid commented on this movie 11 months 1 week agoI love the kind of meta shit that Wes Craven's New Nightmare serves up on a bloody platter, and I'm almost sorry that I couldn't have amnesia and see it without the benefit of knowing what it was about. What a great surprise it would have been. Basically, as the movie we're watching is being written, things start to take a dark turn for scream queen Heather Langenkamp (surely her best performance in the franchise) - a crazed Freddy fan keeps calling, everyone associated with the franchise is having terrible dreams, and her kid is having the worse of all. Then, people start dying. Freddy hasn't been this scary since the original, more a partial presence than a dude in a rubber mask who can be hit and humiliated (like Craven's other monster, about to premiere, Ghostface). Though he's that too, in the third act, when Heather gives in to the "film" and becomes Nancy once more. In New Nightmare, Craven says everything he wants to say about his dream demon, locking in one final bit of lore, and about his experience making horror films. It's darker, but the meta element create the humor we associate with Elm Street. Very cool, ballsy stuff.
Siskoid favorited this movie 11 months 1 week ago
cam15, efth2007, The Stormblooper, and 17 others klaus78, Juan B312, spookygirlieo3o, frwnk, Norf, Rene Narciso, Canalope86, Siffie, HorrorGal80s, chrisscan87, andthensome, montauk1222, Myke, Stickboy, Siskoid, Mennerman and Silverpilen24 checked this movie 11 months 4 weeks ago
Rene Narciso, inVINCEible and Rene Narciso added this movie to their watchlist 11 months 4 weeks ago
otaviouga, Finwe, Insomniac 1789, and 2 others JayArcher and thegodra16 checked this movie 1 year ago
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