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109 min.
Richard Linklater
Drama, Comedy, Mystery
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3.3% (1:31)
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  1. dajmasta94's avatar


    Blanchett gives a good performance and the child actress did a good job with what she was given. I liked the characters and the story but the execution leaves me feeling empty where I can tell I’m supposed to be feeling much more. I wanted to be feeling more, by the end I just felt kinda cheated. The movie never earns the emotional reactions it’s striving for which is unfortunate because enough talent is involved to make you think it would be. What’s going on Linklater? 4 years 5 months ago
  2. gpace1216's avatar


    If Cate Blanchett weren't in this, this would be a downright bad movie. Fortunately, she is in it, so it's an okay movie. Overall, a disappointing movie that should have been much better, just like The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. 4 years 8 months ago
  3. yukononun's avatar


    After seeing another user here badmouthing both this and Walter Mitty in the same sentence, I knew I had to watch this film. I absolutely love Walter Mitty so if someone hated both this and it, then the chances of this being good are quite high.

    Unfortunately, it needed more. It was a lovely take on empathy and compassion, but I feel like it should've been longer. It's already long, yeah, but there needed to be more of Bernadette's journey. There needed to be more with her at the end spoiler. Maybe even more with her family, because I sure as hell wasn't ready to forgive her husband by the end.
    I'm not sure if anything could've been cut because I quite enjoyed what I was given, but like dajmasta94 I felt a bit cheated. I needed MORE.

    (On a side note, I'm not sure why a particular user here despised the film so much. I get that it wasn't their cup of tea, but hellscape? Really?
    I'm also not sure why they didn't just turn off the telly instead of sitting through the whole film. I guess then they wouldn't have something to complain about.
    Considering the fact that they considered her journey "shitty" and "unconvincing", I'm assuming that they're lacking some of that compassion and empathy this film addressed?)
    3 years 9 months ago
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