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Siskoid's avatar


With Great Power... The Stan Lee Story is more pro-Marvel propaganda than it is straight documentary, like something someone might have put on Disc 3 of a Marvel Studios release. Of interest to comic book fans, it features interviews with plenty of industry greats as well as actors and directors who've worked on the films based on those comics, and Stan Lee in this own interactions is a lot more gracious than he's been in DVD extras over the last 15 years. He's clearly trying to set the record straight in places, giving co-creator credit to his artists in a way we haven't really seen elsewhere. It STILL doesn't give the whole story of Stan or Marvel, and quickly tries to sweep under the carpet any negative feelings any piece of information might generate (say about conflicts with Ditko and Kirby, or the fraud committed by Stan's partner in Stan Lee Entertainment. I don't really mind the love letter to Marvel Comics, mind you. The documentary's real failing is in its editing, breaking chronology and, for example, having a 70s Stan Lee answer Dr. Wertham's 50s allegations. It's not too coherent a narrative. It does offer a lot of period clips of The Man, and the best bits are perhaps the ones in Stan's home, featuring his wife. She's quite a character.
9 years ago
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