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85 min.
Drama, Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Family
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2.4% (1:41)
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  1. Emiam's avatar


    Beautifully animated imaginative family movie from competitor to Disney in the style of Inside Out. Smart in the same way. I'd like to be in the park, for sure!! My daughter and son too.
    4 years 5 months ago
  2. Earring72's avatar


    Very vibrant kids movie. They really liked it. 2 years 8 months ago
  3. KuroSawWhat's avatar


    If you want to see what a film without a Director looks like, search no further than Wonder Park, because it does not have one! Within mere moments something seemed out of place, and I did not realize until the credits what that thing was. A bare framework of a film exists here, with stereotypical characters, set piece moments, and on-the-nose metaphors placed where you would expect to find them. What is seriously lacking, however, is any character development, relationship building, or world building which would provide emotional attachment to anything which occurs during the runtime.

    The first several minutes of the film are such an ADHD blur of motion and colors that very basic plot elements are lost in the mix, which I did not understand until over halfway through the film. "Oh, the park is falling apart because only the mom whispers the ideas into the ear of the stuffed monkey with the magic marker and the girl needs to learn to whisper the ideas in her place, instead?" Ok.. I must have blinked and missed that part. All of the talking animals which are met are also introduced in a flash, have all character building skipped, and spend the rest of the time dispensing one-liners.

    Some very talented animators clearly worked on this project, seemingly having free reign without direction to show off how much stuff they could cram on screen at once. Many times the film enters into sequences in which the camera swings around wildly, characters are flying through the air with an entire toy chest of objects surrounding them, and you cannot tell what in the world is happening.

    Wonder Park is, unfortunately, a film created through the mindset of, "Kids are dumb, and this is good enough for them." It was made for children, and absolutely no one else. I chuckled exactly one time, and this took several viewing sessions to complete due to the abject boredom which the film produces. Someone clearly had a nice idea in the beginning, but along the way this project dissolved into nothing more than a sub-90-minute "Coming Soon" preview for the upcoming Nickelodeon TV series. It is not a very good preview.
    4 years 1 month ago
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