Order by:
  1. 93
    1,000 Best Movies on DVD by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone's icon

    1,000 Best Movies on DVD by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone

    Ranking #93
  2. 111
    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films's icon

    1001 Movies That Shocked the World: A Chronology of Cult, Horror and Banned Films

    Ranking #111
  3. 69
    101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die's icon

    101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die

    Ranking #69
  4. 396
    BBC Culture's 'The 100 Greatest Foreign-Language films: Who Voted?' (All films)'s icon

    BBC Culture's 'The 100 Greatest Foreign-Language films: Who Voted?' (All films)

    Ranking #396
  5. 242
    Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon: The Critics' Choice's icon

    Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon: The Critics' Choice

    Ranking #242
  6. 90
    Jung Sung-Il’s A Guide to Cinephilia's icon

    Jung Sung-Il’s A Guide to Cinephilia

    Ranking #90
  7. 195
    Kinema Junpo All-Time Best 200 Non-Japanese Films's icon

    Kinema Junpo All-Time Best 200 Non-Japanese Films

    Ranking #195
  8. 404
    Mark Cousins's The Story of Film: An Odyssey's icon

    Mark Cousins's The Story of Film: An Odyssey

    Ranking #404
  9. 54
    Marshall Julius's Action! The Action Movie A-Z's icon

    Marshall Julius's Action! The Action Movie A-Z

    Ranking #54
  10. 3248
    Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)'s icon

    Poll 2022: Top 250 Favourite Film List conducted and proudly presented by HelenWelonmelon (Letterboxd)

    Ranking #3248
  11. 49
    Ric Meyer's Great Martial Arts Movies's icon

    Ric Meyer's Great Martial Arts Movies

    Ranking #49
  12. 6
    The Hong Kong Filmography (1977-1997)'s icon

    The Hong Kong Filmography (1977-1997)

    Ranking #6
  13. 887
    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life's icon

    Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life

    Ranking #887
  14. 33
    Time Out's The 101 Best Action Movies Ever Made's icon

    Time Out's The 101 Best Action Movies Ever Made

    Ranking #33
  15. 850
    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)'s icon

    TimeOut's 1000 Films to change your life (2006)

    Ranking #850
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.