ChrisReynolds's comments - page 15

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ChrisReynolds's avatar


Great movie that is magical and touching. Quvenzhané Wallis and Dwight Henry are both incredible. It's not completely without its longeurs, but the touching interplay between Wallis and Henry, the scenes of strange imagery, and the music, create moments of beauty and wonder.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Decent enough, but disappointing coming from Hitchcock after a run of classics. Although Hitchcock occasionally pulls off some great individual scenes, it mainly seems too slow and talky, and relies on some weak and unconvincing psychological plot devices.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Great idea, and the clinical look of the film fits very well. The film's main weakness is a rather unfocused narrative that takes a while to get moving and concludes rather unsatisfyingly: spoiler And a minor complaint: the butcher character mumbles most of his lines.
A very promising debut feature. I look forward to the next generation of Cronenberg films.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Quite good. Effectively delivers its jump-scares and creates a decent creepy western mileu. I do have reservations about the reliance on CGI, and the ending isn't particularly strong.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Beautiful art direction and animation, but it's wasted on an appalling cliched script that's about at the level of "Captain Planet". Combined with the dated slang and poor songs, it's a movie that becomes better with the sound off.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Rather dull and predictable until the last ten minutes. The monsters are completely unthreatening, but rather amusing in their goofiness.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


I realise that personal taste plays a big part in the making of any list, but does anybody with a copy of this book know why he included the multiple-award-winning "Kung Fu"? Also, there are a whole slew of excellent to decent horror titles there: "Suspiria", "Profondo rosso", "The Black Cat", "Creature from the Black Lagoon", etc. which lead me to believe that the author just has a general dislike of the horror genre.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Great performance from Hepburn, but the whole enterprise is let down by a silly screenplay, where the plot requires the villains to enact an overly complex, frustrating, and ultimately self-defeating scheme.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Very good movie. One of the most well thought-through time travel movies, powered by the fascinating the philosophical conceit at its centre: spoiler
It's also interesting that it bears a lot of similarities to Triangle (2009), which would makes a fascinating comparison with this as it imagines a similar time loop but in that case spoiler
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Pretty good, but the original short felt as though it had much better pacing, and was more focused on the central story of Sparky's relationship with Victor and the other townsfolk.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Given how much the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre relied on realism, remorseless logic and suggestion, it's amazing how far this sequel goes into contrived falseness, nonsensical scenes and in-your-face gore. It really does completely undermine the horror.
In spite of, but also because of, this new mise-en-scene, the film does actually end up being entertaining, and contains a few effective scenes amid all the silliness.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Good movie, on a par with Antichrist, and with another fantastic performance from Charlotte Gainsbourg. Like Antichrist, it's filled with beautiful imagery and a sense of sadness and doom. Also like Antichrist, it's not without its flaws: the film doesn't feel entirely satisfying, Justine's melancholia makes her a very unsympathetic figure, to the point where you wonder why the other characters put up with her so much, and the bit where she reveals some psychic ability just so Von Trier can add in another dose of nihilsm feels very out of place.
11 years 6 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Riveting. Feels raw and powerful, especially in the action scenes bringing home the violence endemic in the characters' lives.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Perfunctory film-making, just as bad as the first Ghost Rider. More the quality I'd expect from a Direct to video release than a Sony-backed Marvel superhero film starring Nicolas Cage, Idris Elba and Ciaran Hinds. The plot is dull, containing nothing suprising or interesting, and is terribly written into the bargain, with underdeveloped characters delivering dreadful lines.
In its defence, it is watchable and occasionally a faintly amusing or bizarre scene will occur to relieve the tedium.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Marilyn Monroe is very good in this, and is suprisingly a far more magnetic presence than Olivier, who gives a rather hammy performance. The film unfortunately is overstretched and becomes very dull at points, and I didn't feel the romance or the humour worked at all, mainly because the Regent is a sleazy oaf who uses his power and status to bed women he takes a fancy to. The first night's dinner practically plays out like a date rape warning film.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Derivative, especially of Se7en, but good. The bleak atmosphere of impersonal urban landscapes and overcast skies is done very well.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


A terribly written and unfunny film, which, despite the occasional flash of flair, Michel Gondry seems completely lost as to how to direct. At least Christoph Waltz puts in a good performance, even if it is the same performance as he did in Inglourious Basterds.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Incredibly generic "animal attack" movie, with all the scenes you've seen before dozens of times. It does pick up a lot of energy towards the ending, but the setup goes on for ages and is dreadfully dull.
Oddly, 2007 was full of killer croc/gator movies, with Rogue, Black water, Primeval, Croc, Lake Placid 2, Supercroc and Supergator all being released in the same year.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Quite a few tense and exciting moments, but silliness and predictabilty let the film down. The way the wolves act - seeking revenge, acting like slasher movie villains, patiently waiting around for the characters to do stuff - is often laughable.
In the movie's favour, some of the attempts to add emotional depth sometimes work, especially in the final scene and scene with the girl's long hair, but sometimes just lead to long conversation scenes where the film sags.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Strange how everybody finds the sight of Gwynplaine hilarious when he looks absolutely terrifying.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


I found it to be dull, nonsensical, and poorly made. Sure, the twist at the end is nice, but it doesn't save the rest of the film.
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Decent enough film, with some effective and tense action scenes. The acting is quite broad by some of the supporting players, but Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role is excellent. Downsides are an underveloped future society that never seems very believable, the unnecessary length of the film (the Hunger Games themselves don't start till exactly half-way through), and an unoriginal plot that was done much better by "Battle Royale", and even "The Running Man".
11 years 7 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


After the brilliance of Spinal Tap, I found this to be disappointing. Still a decent movie, but I felt that a lot of the jokes just fell flat.
11 years 8 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Very bad. Some of the dumbest characters I have seen in any movie. They make the clowns in "Prometheus" look like masterminds. Only worth watching for the occasional moment of gore.
11 years 8 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Extremely by-the-numbers monster film with standard "stronghold under siege" plot. It's competently made and reasonably watchable, though.
11 years 8 months ago

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