greenhorg's comments - page 2

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greenhorg's avatar


This is probably my favorite series of the 2010s, despite my blanket distaste for nostalgic reboots. Part of the appeal is that it uses the flaws of the 1984 movie to its advantage. Even though 'The Karate Kid' was written as a simple morality tale about a working class transfer student defending himself against a rich bully, a popular Youtube video from 2015 made a comical (but persuasive!) case that our boy Daniel-san was actually always the one picking those fights with Johnny. I assume it's not coincidental then that Cobra Kai debuted on Youtube several years later, running with this revisionist take: presenting the adult Johnny as a sympathetic blue collar underdog, and Daniel as a frequently insufferable, rich asshole.

But the show does better than a simple role reversal, developing both of these characters (and many in the large ensemble cast) far more than the uni-dimensional portrayals in the original movies. The show frequently and deliberately upsets your instincts to pigeon hole and "pick sides" (although by the end of season 4 the formula is beginning to show signs of wear, as previous "bad guys" are cyclically redeemed and new "real" bad guys are introduced to fuel additional seasons).

The show is also a satisfying love note to the fun ridiculousness of 1980s popculture and its self-parodic brand of masculinity: from pro-wrestling to hard rock to... well, martial arts. In fact the largest hero-to-villain twist of the series is probably karate itself, as even "self-defensive" Miyagi fighting -- like guns and war and other dubious instruments of peace -- often just ends up leading to more violence.
2 years 3 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Don't know what the Adams' books are like but this feels like a live action 'Baccano!', with an overstuffed ensemble cast of zany characters bouncing off one another as they scramble around for who knows what. It's fun!
2 years 3 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Is this the movie where Bob Dylan gets stabbed by a midget?
2 years 3 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


The Matrix 4 is about as bad as you would predict from the decline in quality between the first three movies. This also allows us to confidently extrapolate that any further attempts on this franchise will be 'Baby Geniuses 2' tier horseshit.
2 years 4 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


This didn't really go in the direction I wanted it to go, but I was kind of vibing with the first half that felt like a lost 90s Neil LaBute screenplay with a tense horror soundtrack.
2 years 5 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


After the first "act" I really thought this movie was going to be taking us down a rabbit hole of Rick and Morty style multiverse mindfuks, but then... nope. Just poor pacing, illogical script choices, and weird plot holes.

Should have stuck with the new main character instead of abandoning the promising plot with his double and just going back to Tree.
2 years 6 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Eye candy direction by Coppola (in full Orson Welles mode) and a great Tom Waits soundtrack. Awful screenplay.

In other words a good longform music video, but I wish there were real characters and a story to inhabit it all.
2 years 11 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


I already watched Beverly Luff Linn last year and this Adult Swim humor gets stale fast. It peaked with Tim & Eric and even that peak was pretty low.
3 years 2 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


This really feels like someone watched Kids (1995) and then made a movie.
3 years 2 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Having three Oscar winning actresses as leads is already a uniquely stellar ensemble cast, even for a movie, much a less a TV series, but then if you stick around for the second season they add in fucking Meryl Streep.

It doesn't go unrewarded; this series is full of so much stand-out performance energy; it literally might be the most female acting talent ever crammed into one film.
3 years 3 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Comes off as a film school graduate Teshigahara knockoff. I'd say just watch The Face of Another.
3 years 4 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


It's unusual for sequels to have higher reputations than originals. Having now watched both, here's my 2 cents: the first one is better and undervalued. Smaller, breezier, funnier, sweeter, better aesthetics. No uncomfortable prison euphemisms. No weird Hitler mustache-type jokes. Also the core Brown family characters are mostly pushed aside in this for a more expansive story that neither the CGI budget or running time can accomodate.

I will admit though, that the pop-up book scene is the best of either movie.
3 years 4 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


The humor consistently lands (as does the heart), good performances, beautiful production design, and cool calypso. It is also virtuous in tone and themes, lacking the hip cynicism of many similar efforts. A model family movie.
3 years 4 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


I can't believe 'The Shape of Water' got the Oscar for plagiarizing this.
3 years 6 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


"Instead of a perfect human being the evil in Frankenstein's mind creates a monster"

Maybe you should read the damn book!

You guy who made this 110 year old film who is certainly dead.
3 years 6 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Imagine catching covid because you just had to go out and see this.
3 years 7 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


A badly written and disappointingly basic heist movie elevated by clever touches and an intriguing modern art visual style. A mixed bag.
3 years 7 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


What is this grocery store romance novel doing on my television screen, and how did they animate the Fabio from the cover to seem so life-like?
3 years 9 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


If Rogers was still alive the misanthropic journalist would just goad the gentle old minister into saying something skeptical about "trans bodies" or some such freshly-minted Woke taboo and his show would get insta-canceled, Taco Bell and Reebok would get their kewl corporate pot-shots in on social media ("Can you say... bigot!"), and the journalist would win a Pulitzer.

Now THAT movie might be worth watching. This was Hallmark Channel tier treacle.
3 years 9 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Looks like we have a ... "dreigänger" with The Double (2013) and Enemy (2013).

And I'm starting to understand the rules. First of all the origin of duplicates can never be explained. Aliens? Robots? That sci-fi bullshit doesn't apply to this sophisticated genre... don't be a plebe. Or go watch Orphan Black (2013), low-concept TV clone-trend fiction. SMDH.

Second, your exact duplicate won't like you and will be much more confident and dominant than you. Again, don't ask why. And you better be vigilant or he WILL fuck your woman.
3 years 11 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


I've seen a number of reviewers compare this to 'Cube,' but I suspect its most direct inspiration was the absurdist Denis Villeneuve short 'Next Floor' (2008).
3 years 11 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Elton John is an unreliable narrator within the story (comically lying to his support group) but also, less forgivably, in the biographical story itself, with almost everyone in Mr. Hercules' life a little too blatantly contrived as loveless monsters. I'd hesitate saying this drama-queenin' feels stereotypically gay, but stereotypically gay is kind of Elton John's whole schtick. It's the narrative equivalent of "committing suicide" by overdosing on pills and jumping into the pool at a crowded party. Look at me! Feel sorry for me!!

I don't know if I should appreciate that on some meta level, but disingenuous art is also hard to like.
4 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


"Nazis are a-holes.... but they're so cute when they're little."

- Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic (2005)
4 years 2 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Shojiro Nishimi is (sadly) one of the only Japanese "anime" artists with his own enjoyably unique style of character design and animation. (as seen in 'Mind Game' and 'Tekkonkinkreet').

So this movie has a lot of style and its both fun and fun to look at. The gonzo Hip Hop graphic novel style really feels like they got the jump on 'Into the Spider-Verse (2018)'.

Unfortunately, unlike Spiderverse and the two wonderful Nishimi films listed above, MFKZ has a pretty basic action movie plot. Its big-budget, mainstream US doppelganger actually hit more of a homerun by being visually creative AND having a creative story AND having a solid emotional core.
4 years 2 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Nasty, brutish, and long.
4 years 2 months ago

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