The Augustas and Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests have been imported and on the list. The Kidnappers Foil has been imported and is in the process of being added to the list
I love this site, but I don't care for this particular enhancement. I've sent my opinion in via the contact form and discussed it over on the Unofficial iCheckMovies Forum and now will add my voice here.
I realize that social media is pervasive these days, but adding social media capability doesn't automatically enhance the core function of a site, and in this case, I don't think it does. However, since many people like it or want it, would a good compromise be to add it as a tab only, or provide a way to opt out?
The original and 2.0 designs work well for my purposes and for many of the heavy users I interact with over on the forum. Without a way to customize content, I feel the Activity feed clutters up the interface. As others have mentioned, having the original Dashboard view restored would be ideal.
I'd also like to suggest a user panel that could provide input on pending changes. (I'd also like to see a WebOS app, but hey, I am realistic ;-) )
Comments 51 - 75 of 126
Movie comment on Jeux des reflets et de la vitesse
7 minutes, this link is kind of murky comment on Number 3: Interwoven
WalterNeff comment on Number 11: Mirror Animations
WalterNeff comment on Duo Concertantes
WalterNeff comment on Lebenszeichen
I just got home.Blog comment on Behind the scenes
Thanks for the comprehensive overview. It shows the hard work and dedication you guys put into the site, and as a user I appreciate it a great deal.Blog comment on Baby Boom
Thanks for all the hard work and congratulations for all the good personal news!Movie comment on Point of Order!
The counsel for the Army went on to play the judge in Anatomy of a Murder.Movie comment on The Negro Soldier
Digitally restored by the Library of Congress comment on The Kidnappers Foil
Find it here: comment on Library of Congress's National Film Registry
The Augustas and Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests have been imported and on the list. The Kidnappers Foil has been imported and is in the process of being added to the listMovie comment on Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests
WalterNeff comment on The Augustas
WalterNeff comment on KG Featured 2013
The Lost Cinema consists of these shorts directed by Piero BargelliniVi prego di accettare questo semplice...
Fractions of temporary periods
Transferimento di Modulazione (no listing)
Toplist comment on KG Featured 2013
Triptico Elemental de Espana consists of the following films:Aguaespejo Granadino
Fuego en Castilla
AcariƱo Galaico
VibraciĆ³n de Granada
Blog comment on Maximum Overdrive
Thanks guys - great job.Blog comment on Around the World in 80 Days
Great job, thanks for continuing to improve the site!Movie comment on Krunisanje Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica
Subtitles not really necessaryMovie comment on Song of the South
WalterNeff comment on The Social Network
I love this site, but I don't care for this particular enhancement. I've sent my opinion in via the contact form and discussed it over on the Unofficial iCheckMovies Forum and now will add my voice here.I realize that social media is pervasive these days, but adding social media capability doesn't automatically enhance the core function of a site, and in this case, I don't think it does. However, since many people like it or want it, would a good compromise be to add it as a tab only, or provide a way to opt out?
The original and 2.0 designs work well for my purposes and for many of the heavy users I interact with over on the forum. Without a way to customize content, I feel the Activity feed clutters up the interface. As others have mentioned, having the original Dashboard view restored would be ideal.
I'd also like to suggest a user panel that could provide input on pending changes. (I'd also like to see a WebOS app, but hey, I am realistic ;-) )
Movie comment on Kusama's Self-Obliteration
In 3 parts starting here comment on Unverschamtheit im Grunewald
Think of it as a perverted Fear FactorMovie comment on God is Dog Spelled Backwards
Now if only there were an iCheckFineArt, just think how many checks you could get for watching this. ;-)Group comment on KG
This comment's contents are private.
Movie comment on Eiffel Tower from Trocadero Palace
WalterNeff items 51 – 75 of 126