Realenur's comments - page 4

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Realenur's avatar


The Hunt / escape sequence in the middle of the film is undoubtedly some of the best camera work I have witnessed.
7 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I like David Prowse and it's a shame the treatment he got from Lucas for something he may or may not have said about the plot, deliberately or accidentally.

I will say that when I think of Darth Vader its most his voice I remember, not his movements. It is a shame that Prowse was '' bullied '' for his voice.

He deserves to be invited to the Star Wars festivals
7 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


It is refreshing to see a film where '' not particularly beautiful '' actors got a chance to shine.
7 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I do not find this film romantic in any way. A man is condemned to a life alone and after a year in solitude and seclusion he chooses to rob a beautiful woman her life out of pure selfishness.

Had She fallen in love with him if he was ugly and bald? Had he chosen her if she was unattractive? This film is repulsive.
7 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I just watch this for the first time since it was released. Never before have I had more desire to stick my hands into the screen and choke a character! I do not even need to mention which one, you just know, because everyone feels the same way.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I would love to have been a fly on the wall for these film productions.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I know people will think I'm crazy, but I honestly had a great time watching this movie. It's so insanely funny and entertaining. The scene in the train with the "flying" baby, the over the top laughs, when the bad guy (already forgot his name) came out of the shadows and they hit him with the car.
Its so different from the first.

I can't help but compare it to the The Room. Its so bad it's great, and you are never quite sure whether it should be taken seriously.

I loved it!
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


This is an excellent film!

Ryan Gosling was NOT nominated for an Oscar for his perhaps best role ( I have not seen La La Land yet) Is a mystery to me!

I have trouble understanding that Dean can be blamed for that Cindy had unprotected sex with her ex, did not get an abortion, decided to start a family with Dean, 4-5 years later regret that she did not complete her studies to become a doctor.

Of course it's hard to be with someone who chain smokes, drinking beer early in the morning and are happy with just a simple life despite his high potential both for music, his humanity and empathy for older people. He is put in a very bad light at the end, which I think is unfair. I don't think she treats him nicely, though the magic and her feelings for him are gone. He tries to recreate the spark on the cheap hotel, which of course was a stupid idea. It was a hard movie to watch, not recommended for newly established relationships.

This film is made for $ 1 million and Ryan and Michelle lived together for a month to get better into their characters.

The film has many similarities with Williams film Take This Waltz.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Adam Levine has talent for many things. Convincing acting is not one of them.

And by the way if Keira Knightley was my girlfriend, I would never be unfaithful.

One thing I noticed that I really liked was that they had retained many of the actors immediate reactions such as laughter and smiles after a scene, which gave the film a good charm.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


What people forget behind Zac Efrons charm is that his character in this film is a psychopath and an absolutely terrible human being.

He refuses to attend a funeral, because it would make him and the girl a couple. Only a sociopath would do that.

Such a character does not belong in a romantic comedy.

The film is not particularly funny or original.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Entertaining television program, but it's easy to see that those behind the program has placed many of the items to make it more exciting to watch for the viewer.

For example, who has a expensive babushka doll or a harmonica with Willie Nelson autograph lying around. It is clear that all in the program is set up by the producers.

But limited gifted viewers will not care which probably is the most important.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I am really shocked at the family's very limited intelligence, especially Brandon who with his '' I don't know '' answers to even simple questions are complete incompetent.

On the one hand you have the family which is really easy to hate and on the other hand, you has the worst police force ever seen.

I can't say whether the man is innocent or guilty, but if you have a grudge against him, he seems not as the most difficult to blame.

Steven Avery is no genius, but he does, however have a little more brain than the remainder of the family. I came to think of Edward Norton's character in Primal Fear, Avery can maybe act complete stupid and claiming everyone is after him, but be smarter than we know. - People love such a hero who goes against the system.

If someone knew where the girl was going that day in 2005 and one has to harm her then he could easily take two and two together about who would be blamed for the crime and the killer could throw the evidence directly on the property.

Her brother, her ex-boyfriend, Avery's brother or nephews could be behind the murder.

That the car was found on the property, tucked under a few branches either indicate that the person behind is a complete idiot or want it to be found.

Her brother and ex-boyfriend seemed mysterious about the messages from her mobile which was deleted. Could they have said something to her, they dont want others to hear? the ex-boyfriend may have been jealous of anything and has not progressed the break-up and planned it when he found out where she was going that day. It's the perfect crime.

I'm not saying the police are behind the murder, but they could had tampered with the evidence in order to save their reputation.

I can't understand that we at no time hear Avery talk about his kids and if he misses them or anything. Like he dont care about them. There are several things I cant fit together. If my nephew and I was accused of a crime, even though we were both innocent, I would take full responsibility so he could go free.

The kid said his first statement came from a book. He is totally stupid, he can't possibly read and understand a book. He has seen or participated in something, his brain struggled to cope.

There are several things I have trouble understanding. BUT. Is the man guilty or not, it's still a huge mystery. Several things have came to light after the series ended. Among other things, Avery's ex girlfriend has said that Avery was violent during their relationship and the girl that should take pictures, said that she did not want to visit his property again, so she has obviously not been comfortable with Avery or the family. Avery used a false phone number and ID to get Teresa to his property the day she disappeared. But it makes no sense because he could not give her a false address and she could look up and said no to the job if the did not feel safe about him.

Avery has stated that his brothers could be behind.

It is an interesting documentary series that caught my attention right from the start.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Det triste ved denne film er at den har et kæmpe potentiale, men for at skabe større kommerciel værdi eller decideret ubeslutsomhed har instruktøren valgt at smide det hele på gulvet ved at balancere den mellem en forfriskende monsterfilm (for teenagere og voksne) og en typisk dansk familiefilm.

Jeg er især skuffet over karakteren Adam spillet af Peter Gantzler, som kunne være vildt interessant, men fordi at Gantzler enten tror det er en børnefilm eller er blevet instrueret derefter falder det helt fra hinanden. At han er en beskytter/værge over børnene, men samtidig er i choktilstand (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) kunne virkelig være spændende at udforske i en moden og alvorlig film som vidste hvad den ville. Det er pisse ærgeligt at denne mulighed bliver forspildt.

Det er dog skønt endelig at se en danskfilm hvor børne skuespillerne (de to brødre) er gode, er tydelige i deres sprog og hverken hvisker eller mumler, som desværre ofte er tilfældet i danske film.

Jeg synes det er forfriskende med sådan en film i Danmark, men for ofte når vi forsøger os med en anderledes genre herhjemme, tør vi ikke gå hele vejen, vi tager ikke nok chancer, vi læner os for meget op af flere film, frem for at være originale.
7 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


That this film has yet to be released, although it was finished long ago, and did not take long to shot does not sound positive. Very few of the film James Franco has directed have been well reviewed.

However, I am crazy about The Room and can't wait to see the story behind its creation. But i'm afraid cause it has been so long in the making, maybe nobody wants to buy and release it, or that the creators themselves are not proud of the result and hope it will be forgotten.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Rigtig stærk dokumentar om .. ja nok Danmarks svar på både Beatles og Rolling Stones. Altså intrigerne, uenighederne om hvilken retning man skal musikalsk og splittelsen og de vidt forskellige personligheder.

Især scenerne hvor man ser medlemmernes færden i sort og hvid smedet sammen med billeder af nutidens København er godt lavet.

2 minusser, hen mod slutningen snakker de om bandets opløsning hvor en diskussion mellem Jønsson og Beckerlee finder sted. Jønsson var enig om opløsning sammen med Kim Larsen og Søren Berlev, hvorimod Franz Beckerlee mener de først er blevet gode og har fundet deres lyd og skal lave en sidste plade. Jeg kan godt se pointen med diskussionen, men fordi interviewet med de 4 medlemmer finder sted separat, altså enkeltvis, får sammenklippene en nærmest realitytv-agtig effekt som falder fra hinanden.

Filmen kommer godt rundt om mange episoder, men springet fra gennembrudet til floppet i USA går lige lovlig hurtigt, jeg manglede lidt om hvor store de egentlig var inden de blev ''for store til Danmark''

Kim Larsen nævner heller ikke meget om nedturene, selvom det selvfølgelig ikke er sjovt at snakke om, mangler man lidt om forskelligheden mellem Larsen og Beckerlee. Om man vil det eller ej, kan man jo sammenligne dem med Paul McCartney og John Lennon.

Men ja der er vel heller ingen grund til at åbne op i gamle sår fra fortiden.

God dansk rock dokumentar!
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


It was perhaps not the best idea to give the robots real ammunition instead of blanks..
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Have you read the bible, Pete?

Holy bible?


Yeah I think so.
Anywhere I heard about it.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Where's my honey?
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Grand Theft Auto V - the movie!
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


This is one of those films that I find difficult to place. Because it's good, but could easily achieved more. Jonah Hill is a damn good actor, which I hope to see much more of in the future and in different genre. Miles Teller is good, but it's not such a performance to remember for a long time after.

At the Golden Globes, I think Ryan Reynolds wins over Jonah. Unfortunately.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


a beautiful example of a strong successor.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


After a few minutes I just hated the creepy guy and his annoying laughter.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


The best Star Wars movie. No question about that.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Worst Christmas movie ever made.

Not the worst Ben Affleck movie. It say much of his string of really bad movies.
7 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Mr. Crazy Cruise only gets out of character once.
7 years 4 months ago

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