Dawizz's comments

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Dawizz's avatar


Great show, much, much better than the second season.
Thanks in part to the fact that this season is not woke like the second one.
The second season is garbage.
2 years 11 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


This Western would not fly in today's fake pc goodness.
Bad Indians? No! It can be!
2 years 11 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


You have to love the analogy between time=money and the subtle right wing message that not all of us deserve & will have money in life, and that we have to accept that fact and move on with our life.
FYI they are right about that, sadly a life fact that escapes 99.9% of the lunatic lefty woke mob walking this green Earth.
They think Socialism is the solution to "all the evils of the Earth" all the while glossing over all the evils done by Socialism, but I guess is easier to blame everything on the "White cis-gender right wing male" rather than doing a serious introspect on their flaws and work hard on getting ahead in life.
3 years ago
Dawizz's avatar


A rather pleasant one.
But after 4 minutes, you already saw 4 or 5 examples of misbehavior towards female characters

Pathetic, idiotic woke comment if I ever saw one, grow a pair, this film blows away all garbage made in today's fake pc world.
3 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


We all know that only White people can be bad, right? spoiler.When the pendulum swings back and chops some heads off all the lefties nut jobs will be pikachu face asking why? That scene is a small part of why the pendulum will swing hard very hard. Btw I've been a Democrat for decades (probably longer than a lot of folks around here have been alive). Only saw it for the check, and I regret doing it..
3 years 9 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


3 years 11 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


This movie is so bad it makes the 1998 one look like a masterpiece!
3 years 11 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


An end tarnished by wokness. Marvel had taken the woke road some time now, they were not able to hold them self and they had to really go out of there way to insert there agenda on the very last Avenger movie. Fat Thor funny? Yup until he became a crying baby and in the end spoiler. Enough with the pu§§y Hulk! It's not funny it's unnecessary and brings nothing to the table but cringe. Also enough with the strong wahman trope. Defend the weakling beta male ... And the glove. It's an agenda that will age very badly. We all saw what Thanos did to Captain Marvel ... Hit her so hard, he knock her out of the park (that was funny af). The "new" Captain America is this a bad joke? Right?! There's more at being the Cap than the shield! And in this case a great a$$. They do know that? Right?! Or is it just another agenda being pushed so hard that they don't care about anything anymore?
4 years 8 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Not a bad movie, but it drags itself too much at the end.
5 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


As bad as what the critics are saying? Hell YES!! A big ol´mess even the cgi are not that great (I've seen much better, hell we have all seen much better cgi than this). This is what happens wen your juggling too many balls at the same time (trying to re-open the Dark Universe, Dr. Jekyll, Dracula what not, this all "I have a VG I'm better than you bs flying around the movie, trying to be funny, wen there's not need to be funny at all. P.S All movie studios, stop trying to be Marvel. Marvel movies are funny because it works pretty well in the Marvel Universe, it did not work here or in the last POS SW movie). You end up with a cr@p movie.
5 years 4 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Calling this "movie" a train wreck is insulting to train wrecks. The last act is trying very, very hard to be an Empire Strikes Back, that is laughable. Why is Rose here? Oh yeah the Chinese market... Oh and spoiler. Long live the Republic!
5 years 4 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


As if! I'm 16 years old. This is California not Kentucky.
5 years 4 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


If this is what passes as a great horror film this day and age is proof that the Tide pod gen have not seen to many movies. Of course both boys were pansys and the "hero" was a girl.
She spoiler Skip.
5 years 8 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


5 years 10 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Wait a second this movie is in official lists? I try to see it a couple of years ago and I was like, meh (didn't finish it). 2 weeks ago (I think it was 2 weeks ago) the Si Fi Channel broadcasted both Movies (this one and Dnevnoy dozor back to back). I was like oh that Russian Vampire..ish/si fi flick, I'll give another go.... spoiler
6 years ago
Dawizz's avatar


Dreadful. Dreadful "movie" for me this is not a movie it's a project for All American High School Film Festival or something like that. It has IMHO one of the most pathetic/slow boring dead scene in any movie. C'mon a dwarf tries to behead him? And in slow motion?! And he doesn't do anything about it?! And a dwarf is the evil killer all Venice fears?!
6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Preston Packard

Bitch, please!

Took the words right out of my mouth! This "movie" is in line with the 2014 Godzilla one just plain DIAF!
6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Pure trash. If China was so powerful why are we not talking Mandarin/Cantonese? I forgot they may have invented everything from Silk to the Tomahawk Missile ancestors but they did not have the foresight to go that extra mile to do what Europe did.
6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


A glorified porno with a lot of average music bits and an Antarctica B.S thing. Did they/Her ever went to Antarctica? Or was it just another bit the Director put in so this turd would not be 95% porn? Sorry "artistic sex scenes"
6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Was this a re-boot? It felt like it was. Take out Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley and bring in who? and who? (where they cast to try to bring in the idiot generation to see this tvrd? Probably). Try to mimic the first one has much as you can (in desperation bring back Bloom and Knightley for some bit parts) and and nothing but failing at every point. For me the only thing keeping me watching this thing was I asking myself (every 5 minutes or so) how big was Javier Bardem paycheck?
6 years 3 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


The pity Oscars are strong with this one, yes they are!
6 years 4 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


A all the 80's movies you can think of meets Cloverfield meets it's not really Trek smash all up and presto! Another garbage made by this overrated all flash and no substance hack. I knew he was a hack since the days of Alias.
6 years 4 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


It starts ok ish it tries to be a bit too Adult (the entire thing about eating small children eyes) then moves to ridiculousness and ends up a bland mess a meh at best. Tim Burton your time is over, move on. Better yet exit stage left. Before you destroy anymore your work/fan base/legacy.
6 years 5 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Was Eddie Redmayne auditioning for the role of Doctor Who? If yes I think we found the next next Doctor. The rest of the movie is garbage. What's next the touching story of how Griendelwald and Dumbledore became "best friends" Or the childhood tale of Hagrid? J.K Rowling you stole something from some one/used ghost writer(s), made a few bucks so now please go away. Johnny Depp boyo for the love of God please crawl under a rock and stay there.
6 years 5 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Like the Woman says near the end of the Movie ... WTF?!
6 years 5 months ago

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