ebaum1saik's comments

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ebaum1saik's avatar


That ending spoiler Oh and it more than works. This is Fuller gold through and through.
10 years 10 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


I agree with MTwiko. This is more of a wrap up of a TV show than an independent feature. Weldon is like the opposite of Lynch. Lynch's brilliance shown through on Twin Peaks but he was clearly being hampered by the need to have so many characters and the pressure of the network and the TV format in general. On the other hand anyone whose seen Buffy knows Weldon's strength is in building characters and letting them grow, not cinematographic poetry. Everything felt rushed here. Good for closure on the series, but that's it.
11 years 3 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar



To each his own. I hate Bogart noirs because of Bogart. (In a Lonely Place being the gigantic exception)

About that ending though... you didn't think he knew and accepted it. Seemed like the point to me.
11 years 5 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


I just checked the last link and that indeed is the correct video. The audio might be a little off (though the radio announcing the opening of the doors synced with the refrigerator commercial seemed dead on).

Sorry you didn't like the flashing nonsense, but that is the original film Bruce Conner made.
12 years ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


I don't understand why any of you guys watched past the first minute. It's obviously the type of film you guys despise no matter what. Why did you even watch it?
12 years 2 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


I can't believe these last two comments are serious (especially that Leeds Bridge comment). It's similar to Shirley Clarke's great Bridges Go-Round (1958). Constant movement with superimpositions following trains and factories presumably near Castro Street. It's a beautiful poetic montage piece.
12 years 2 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar



This is a common thing that critics do where they limit their top ten lists to films released theatrically in the US for the first time. You can argue it's flawed, but I think the idea is to get people to go out and see the films the year they release the top 10 list.
12 years 2 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


"I can't help but wonder if it would be getting this much praise if it was American and not Iranian."

You act like this is the first Iranian film to ever be screened in the US. Iranian cinema has been a strong force releasing great films consistently since the late 80s. It is one of those great Iranian films therefore people praise it.

"This is the type of movie that could have been made anywhere."

Not really. The political subtext makes this an Iranian film. Sure a film featuring a couple with martial problems could be made anywhere, but that would be limiting this movie.
12 years 3 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar



I think you mean a list so obscure... which was the point of the list. I can see how you got confused since you've seen 1.2% of the films on the list. Clearly you know most of the other 98.8 % of the movies are terrible.
12 years 3 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


"The only thing that created...was a seizure..."

That's cool. It's not for everyone. In fact it's only for Throbbing Gristle fans probably and I imagine only some of them will like it. It just seems obvious to me that most people who checked this film probably hadn't even heard of Throbbing Gristle let only actually like them yet they still sat through all 8 minutes of this. Hopefully at least 1 person became a fan :)
12 years 5 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


This film is infuriatingly bad. A subject I love brought to these lows is hard to watch.
12 years 5 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


"At no point did I get anything out of this mess"

What the heck were you trying to get out of it?! There is no hidden secret to life in it. It's a straight forward film which creates an atomsphere through the images that enchances the music.
13 years ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


Definitely, I was actually the one who nominated Canyon Passage so it could get on the Doubling the Canon list. Luckily it made it!
13 years 8 months ago
ebaum1saik's avatar


The Shanghai Gesture (Sternberg, 1941)
Canyon Passage (Tourneur, 1946)
Unfaithfully Yours (Sturges, 1948)
Flaming Creatures (Jack Smith, 1963)

Nice... that Sternberg film is all style, amazing and decadent style. Canyon Passage is probably Tourneur's best western (got to see it in a theater thanks to Rosenbaum). Unfaithfully Yours is arguably the height of Sturges' craft, not as fast-paced and funny as some others, but brillantly shot and constructed. And of course Flaming Creatures is the pinnacle of avant-garde kitsch.

I also gotta check out Star Splanged to Death sometime.
13 years 9 months ago
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