menenia's comments

Comments 1 - 12 of 12

menenia's avatar


Had no expectations to this one, was pleasently surprised. A good, warm and cheerful Christmas movie with a really great performance by Will Ferrel!
11 years 4 months ago
menenia's avatar


Why is the 2011 Winnie The Pooh counted as a Disney classic some places, but not everywhere?
The Norwegian official Disney classic series does not count this.
11 years 5 months ago
menenia's avatar


Not the best musical movie out there, but I love Any Dream Will Do and Close Every Door.
11 years 6 months ago
menenia's avatar


Nina her. *Hilser pent på folket*
Jente på 27, bor i Oslo, men tilbringer mye tid i Drammen da min bedre halvdel bor der.

Liker det aller meste innen film, så lenge det er bra! Lar meg ikke stoppe av hverken årstall, landegrenser, temaer eller sjanger. Gir det aller meste en sjanse.
Klarer ikke å holde meg til kun en "retning" eller en liste (her inne), fordi jeg finner hele tiden nye veier å gå, oppdager nye filmer og klarer ikke sitte stille , hopper hit og dit.

Er fremdeles rimelig mainstream i filmsmaken min, i følge meg selv iallefall. Venner vil nok si at jeg ser og liker veldig mye sært, men i forhold til andre filmbuffs så stemmer det absolutt ikke.

Oppdager hele tiden mye nytt og fint i dette store filmuniverset, og det gir meg bare lyst til å se enda mer.
12 years 1 month ago
menenia's avatar


366 movies? Sounds like a great movie plan for a leap year! :D
12 years 3 months ago
menenia's avatar


It's kind of a boring story.
13 years 1 month ago
menenia's avatar


I can't stand Otto Jespersen, but the rest of the movie is okay.
13 years 2 months ago
menenia's avatar


Woooaw, a Norwegian mockumentary (The Troll Hunter) has made this list? I'm surprised! How?
13 years 2 months ago
menenia's avatar


I didn't understand why people here don't like it, but then I tried the youtube link that's on here, and it's for a completely different version, which is not good at all. Watch the correct one, from 1963, all black and white, all English speaking:
13 years 3 months ago
menenia's avatar


Way to make us curious :D
13 years 4 months ago
menenia's avatar


13 years 6 months ago
menenia's avatar


I love the fact that I've seen two of the "sports"movies because of the gay storyline! (Shelter and Summerstorm)
13 years 8 months ago
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