RayRf's comments

Comments 1 - 14 of 14

RayRf's avatar


What's up with the soundtrack? Another pop rock song and it almost turns up to be another Suicide Squad. Despite what everyone says, Tom Hardy's acting sucks so bad here; you can almost hear the director screaming at him "take that piece of rotten meat from the trash can and pretend you eat... now run to bathroom and pretend you puke". And what chemistry between Eddie and Venom is everyone talking about? They have zero chemistry. It's so forced, that at one point, suddenly Venom decides to love Eddie and the entire human race for no reason.
6 years ago
RayRf's avatar


This is the best Queen parody I've ever seen!
6 years 2 months ago
RayRf's avatar


You will only enjoy this movie if you think of yourself as a very smart and artsy person... no wait, you won't, but you'll love to pretend you did!
6 years 10 months ago
RayRf's avatar


Not that bad for a movie that's not from Hollywood and once you digest the message it's actually brilliant.
6 years 10 months ago
RayRf's avatar


If you think this movie is good just for political correct reasons, then you are probably a little bit more racist than you think... other than the cool VFX and some of the characters, the movie is actually plain and predictable. not worthy of being considered one of the best Marvel movies, but definitely way better than the worst ones.
6 years 10 months ago
RayRf's avatar


A.K.A. "Jew Jokes For Jews"
7 years 5 months ago
RayRf's avatar


I'm not sure this should cunt as an Alien movie. I was ashamed when the Fassbenders scene started. I think making the whole thing part of David's plan takes away relevance for the Xenomorph itself.
7 years 7 months ago
RayRf's avatar


This movie really inspired me to make a deep research about time travel, so I can prevent myself and my girlfriend from ever watching it. We really really regret it.
7 years 8 months ago
RayRf's avatar


I understand why people who have no idea about real psychology liked this movie. To be honest I felt insulted by the completely wrong use of the concept of dissociative Identity disorder. It made absolutely no sense, it was poorly portrayed and the movie established a lot of bullshit facts about how it works. The flashbacks scenes had no conclusion whatsoever and their only purpose was to try to make Anya Taylor's 16 years old girl role more sympathetic for the audience. James McAvoy's performance was mostly ok, but the story, script and dialogues were pretentious and cringeworthy. Classic M. Night Shyamalan.
7 years 8 months ago
RayRf's avatar


As much as I appreciate Scorsese's work, I feel this was a poor tribute to japanese classic films, but what I find most underwhelming is the way Christianism is portrayed as an arrogant and condescending religion towards an entire nation, and I still ended up with the idea that this movie promotes Christianism as a morally superior ideology.
7 years 11 months ago
RayRf's avatar


This movie couldn't be saved by anything; Will Smith's "fame"did nothing for the movie. Harley Quinn and Joker's popularity did nothing either. Hell! Not even a Batman cameo made this movie bearable. And who was responsible for the edition? Too much popular rock songs to compensate for something.
8 years 5 months ago
RayRf's avatar


I guess this movie was regular.... see what did there? Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh
8 years 5 months ago
RayRf's avatar


10 years 7 months ago
RayRf's avatar


3D boobs! nuf said.
10 years 10 months ago
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