Realenur's comments

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Realenur's avatar


Have in mind that Mr. Diesel turned down Fast 2 because he didn't like the script.
3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Star Wars in slow motion written by an 8 year old.
4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I thought it was an Disney Channel movie until I found out it won the Oscar for best picture ..

Sweet story and overlooked topic, but yeah ..
9 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Oh, it's a comedy ..
1 year 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


You are tricked into believing you are watching a masterpiece on the level of Tarkovsky, but it is just one scene of violence followed by the next, in black and white ... for almost three hours
1 year 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


To you who calls the film is unrealistic. There is something called poetry and imagery in the art of moviemaking.
Everything should not be interpreted as it is seen, but where we have to use our brain to understand the meaning and the deeper layer of the story.
2 years 10 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Cool poster, cool purple color on title letters and cool introduction ... The movie itself is a big mess. Cheap low-calorie entertainment on a Friday night, but it's really too easy to get away with Mr Snyder. Thin and almost non-existent plot.

Why have a Father / Daughter relationship when you are not using it for anything, I did not feel it and the actors did not at all. It just extended the movie with a really awkward "you were not there dad" scene.
2 years 11 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Big Stan anyone?
3 years 1 month ago
Realenur's avatar


Lost, but with teenagers.

Is more about typical high school drama, love, sex, partying than actually finding a solution to their situation.

We've seen the characters a hundred times before.
The popular guy with the beautiful girlfriend.
A sports guy who is gay but has not come out due to fear of not being accepted.
Siblings where the youngest stands in the shadow of the other.
There must (like in Lost) be someone who is pregnant.
the psyco who creates constant conflict.

When one of the characters is shot in episode 3, why is no one immediately suspecting the person who had a gun and shot inside the church in the first episode?

How can the buses leave the city when they can't and why is no one questioning this?

If they are cut off from the outside world, how do they get coverage to send messages to each other on mobile?

How do they have power and water for several months when there is no one to maintain it?

Why is there no one who questions that there is only one dog in the city and why is there only one who looks after it?
3 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Imagine a drama if you swapped the kiss with closed eyes scene with a not so attractive guy kissing a beautiful girl.

What is the protagonist's endgame by lying to the guy. She will end up with a broken heart unless the movie ends up being a cliché. oh I see.
3 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Post-Twilight-Pattinson impresses and surprises me again and again.
3 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Just as awful as Forever and Burton's, no more no less.
3 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


if you absolutely must confront someone who has done something wrong, don't do it on top of a burning building for god's sake!
3 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


I don't know where to start.
This movie is complete fire - from screenplay to the actors. The build-up over the two hours to the end is one of the best I've seen. I feared that I would lose my focus along the way, but once I was invested in the characters, I was hooked.

What Lee Jong-su is going through reminds me of spoiler with a touch of Hitchcock without knowing quite what's the truth.
3 years 11 months ago
Realenur's avatar


How can The Axeman move with the ax behind him into the prison and to the showers without being heard or seen by neither Alice, Claire nor Chris?

The movie is easy to hate, but scenes like these are so foolish that it hurts.
4 years 1 month ago
Realenur's avatar


The scenes in the church and at the cemetery are the worst and most ridiculous in the entire series.
I remembered this movie as okay, after watching it again I am of a completely different view.
4 years 1 month ago
Realenur's avatar


I assume the entire budget was spent on cigarettes - It's really distasteful to look at chain-smoking for 2 hours. There must have been much coughing during production ...
4 years 10 months ago
Realenur's avatar


One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I want to watch an Adam Sandler comedy now, to clean myself from this shit of a movie.
4 years 10 months ago
Realenur's avatar


First of all, I really like that we see a more natural and real Lara, where Jolie's was excessively sexualized - even her breasts were made bigger, to what purpose could one ask (Yes she has huge melons in the game series, but therefore they don't necessarily have to be brought on the big screen, even though it will sell tickets)

This Lara is not immortal, she is down to earth and we see how she becomes Tomb Raider, as opposed to the previous films.

I miss more humor and Lara's intellect could appear more than a time or two.

The fact that there is not a foolish love story with some dream boy with abs is liberating.
5 years ago
Realenur's avatar


Those who call this masterpiece mediocre, watch an Adam Sandler movie instead and shut up.
5 years 2 months ago
Realenur's avatar


So, this movie was nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture from a Post-Credit Scene?
5 years 3 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Aaron Johnson is a pretty interesting actor, but here he doesn't care and I don't think he's convincing at all. Of course, it must be difficult to talk 'with oneself' and show emotions when you are alone in the scene, but he is not good at this movie, unfortunately.

I don't understand how soldiers act, but several things seem unrealistic and amateurish. I think every soldier in war must have some kind of heart-rhythm-meter and other kind of equipment to show he or she is under fire so they can get assistance.
The big question and the plothul of the movie - How is it possible for the '' villain '' to hack the US military and radio frequency?
5 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Tom Cruise is so bad in this that you suddenly appreciate Brendan Fraser. I would rather see the three movies with him while I'm sitting on a bed of nails than to watch this again.
5 years 4 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Honestly, not as disappointing as expected. I had otherwise decided to boycott this 'Star Wars' movie because I feared it would destroy my picture of the young Han. However, I did not find it as horrible as people said since it's release. Despite a difficult production with many problems, the result is satisfactory. Ron Howard to the rescue!
5 years 5 months ago
Realenur's avatar


Damn I would have loved this movie as a child!
5 years 5 months ago

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