scottwhatever's comments

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scottwhatever's avatar


This is a dark horse. I'd not heard of it before seeing it on Google Play. You'd think a film about two old men in their 90s would be a dud. You'd be wrong in this case. Brilliantly put together and executed. Plummer is perfect. And the ending is masterful. This is definitely one you'll remember...
6 years 11 months ago
scottwhatever's avatar


It was indeed a promising start. But sorely disappointed with how it ended. I was really hoping for a big twist. It felt like it ended too early. Could have been a whole lot better.
7 years 8 months ago
scottwhatever's avatar


I actually couldn't watch this all the way to the end. Bad script. So obvious that effects were "stuck on". And the decisions they made?? What were they thinking? And the scenes being chased by the aliens, they all should have been dead.
7 years 9 months ago
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