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mariapovysheva's avatar

Maria Povysheva, Lviv, Ukraine

My name is Maria and I'm 47 years old. Since childhood, I have liked to read. Not only do I enjoy reading classics, but I also love reading a variety of special books. I am a professional financial analyst. I was previously employed in the bank. In the past few decades, I have been working for reviewing and rate books.

Here are the most competitive deals, at the lowest rates, on everything from credit cards to personal loans to mortgages for first-time buyers.

Compare the best financial products to get the most value for your unique money situation.

If you're trying to apply for your first credit card, refinance your mortgage or transfer money across the globe, we can help you find the answers to all your financial concerns.

You can compare the options in our chart to determine which balance transfer credit card is the best choice for you. When you select "Search Filters", you can narrow your search to locate the right products within your credit limit with the features that are essential to you.

Balance transfer cards are best to eliminate your debt. They don't offer the benefits banks and other service providers promise. Be sure to save cash. Savings can be destroyed by the credit card for balance transfers that have annual fees or high transfer charges. The amount you will pay on your debt will be more than the cost of the card.

Pay more than the minimum amount. Pay more than the minimum amount to pay off your balance quicker. Divide your balance by the remainder of your introductory period to determine the magic number.
Avoid extra purchases. Avoid making extra purchases using your credit card. Don't use your card if your balance is less than zero.

The refund rate is important. If you don't redeem your balance before the end of the introductory time the rate will reset to the normal rates. Set a repayment deadline for your refund so that you don't need to make more payments than you need.

If you are experiencing high-interest rates affecting your income per month and expenses, a balance transfer could be an effective way to reduce your debt. Balance transfers can save you both time and money prior to when you even submit your application.

Explore all the options to choose the balance transfer card that's the right fit for you.


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15 October 2021
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  1. American Beauty

    2 years 6 months ago
  2. The Big Lebowski

    2 years 6 months ago
  3. WALL·E

    2 years 6 months ago
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  1. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie...

    2 years 6 months ago
  2. American Beauty

    2 years 6 months ago
  3. The Big Lebowski

    2 years 6 months ago
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